50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #46: Be Sure Everything You Do is of the Highest Possible Quality.

Tip #46: Be sure everything you do is of the highest possible quality.

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Extreme competence WOWs us, no matter where it occurs.

It doesn’t matter what we’re talking about… if you do it, extremely well, it creates a WOW!

Whether you’re talking about art, music, speaking, construction, product development – or cat painting! (above)… extreme competence in our field can’t help but WOW others.

Think about it: what do we share and help go viral on the Internet – extreme examples of competence and expertise. Think of the incredible photography of the surfer who takes pictures from underneath the waves, the 3-D Chalk Art on sidewalks, magic acts on YouTube, singers with fantastic voices… all are demonstrating extreme competence in their fields.

So practice, learn and educate yourself. Make sure that if you make a mistake once, you do something about it to avoid it in the future.

One step at a time, you will become an expert in your field – and no one will be able to compete with the exceptional quality of your knowledge and work.


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for being EXTREMELY competent in your field.


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