Tip #4: Just Listen to Me!
Offer to train, coach or mentor someone.
You have a lot of expertise that you probably take for granted. Figure out what you’re great at and offer to help someone else in that area.
Others can benefit greatly from your knowledge and experience if you’ll share it with them.
Figure out what you’re great at and offer to help someone else in that area. Sometimes it’s your knowledge or a skill – and sometimes it’s just by being a good listener and being willing to help.
When I mentored an at-risk high school student and wondered what I had to offer her, the program director told me something I’ll never forget. She said, “You can help her, even if it’s just to listen to her and give her your undivided attention for 30-60 minutes a week – because most of these kids don’t even get that from any adult in their lives.”
Well, I could do that! So, I became a mentor, and it’s been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. My mentee is now in the U.S. military, just got married, and is setting the stage for a very successful life.
You can do something to help change someone’s life, too.
Remember, you can also:
- Subscribe to my podcast to listen to podcasts of all 50 tips (http://wowplace.podbean.com/)
- Download my FREE companion e-book (https://wowplace.mykajabi.com/offers/gLQBnncb)
Please leave your tips and suggestions for training, coaching or mentoring others.