Tip #12: Give Someone a Surprise Gift (Part I)
Give them something they wouldn’t buy for themselves.
Find out what someone would really want – and give it to them.
If you want to be sure they use it for the intended purpose, give a gift certificate or gift card for that item.
Just be sure they’d really like to have or do that particular thing and will do it… and are not just saying it would be “nice” but don’t really want it for themselves.
Lots of people talk a good game, but would never really do it, even if it’s given to them, so be sure they’ll really use it before you try to WOW them with that gift!
Remember, you can also:
- Subscribe to my podcast to listen to podcasts of all 50 tips (http://wowplace.podbean.com/)
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Please leave your tips and suggestions for WOWing someone with a gift they would never dream of buying for themselves, but would love to do if given by someone else.