Tip #15: Do Something Unexpected for a Co-Worker or Group Member
Pay attention to what they need or are going through – and do something as a group.
Get your company, organization, church or other group together for special projects.
Do something completely unexpected for a group member. For example, there’s an organization that has a member who had been in a horrendous accident at age 15 and lost her leg. She went without a leg for years, until at age 27 she attended their conference. When one attendee heard her plight, including the fact that it was difficult for her to keep up with her small child due to having only one leg, the attendee got the group together, created an online fundraiser, raised $60,000 and enabled her to receive a prosthetic leg!
Also, when one of my Toastmasters group members’ daughter went missing, the group called, e-mailed, sent a group-signed card, made a video e-mail and sent it to her. When her daughter was found, at least 12 of us attended the funeral. Then some of us took her to lunch. She said she felt so loved and cared for by her “Toastmasters family” and couldn’t thank us enough for our constant shows of caring.
Remember, you can also:
- Subscribe to my podcast to listen to podcasts of all 50 tips (http://wowplace.podbean.com/)
- Download my FREE companion e-book (https://wowplace.mykajabi.com/offers/gLQBnncb)
Please leave your tips and suggestions for doing unexpected things to help or comfort others.