Tip #39: “Can we do lunch?”
Invite someone you don’t know (or don’t know well) to lunch.
This promotes teamwork and a sense of belonging, as well as making executives and team leaders more human and relatable.
One factor that connects employees most to a workplace is a sense of belonging. They want to feel as though they “fit” in with the rest of the group.
People won’t know if they fit if they don’t know each other; inviting someone you don’t know (or don’t know well) to lunch helps overcome this obstacle to teamwork and camaraderie and helps people feel that sense of belonging.
This is especially true if team leaders invites their team members to lunch… it shows that leaders are human and relatable, and binds team members to them.
Remember, you can also:
- Subscribe to my podcast to listen to podcasts of all 50 tips (http://wowplace.podbean.com/)
- Download my FREE companion e-book (https://wowplace.mykajabi.com/offers/gLQBnncb)
Please leave your tips and suggestions for getting to know others by taking them to lunch and learning about them.