I recently visited a Whole Foods market where I was blown away by the service I received at the checkout counter. Not only was the cashier interested in talking to her customers, not just “getting through” each one with as little interaction as possible, but the care she took when bagging my groceries was exceptional.
For example, she put a rubber band around the box of blueberries I bought, just in case it popped open in transit. I’ve never had anyone do that in any other store! I know it sounds like a silly thing, but just knowing that she (or someone in the leadership of the store) took the time to think of what could possibly go wrong and try to prevent it was a WOW.
This is just one more example of how thinking proactively to consider all the nuances of the customer experience – and then training everyone to perform those nuances – can make a huge impact without costing tons of money in the process.
Are processes in place at your organization to help you consider the nuances of customer service and put them into action to create WOW experiences for all your customers? If not, plan brainstorming sessions that take each customer experience – one-by-one – and consider all aspects of that experience. Use the target at the link below to create WOW experiences at your organization: