The Impact of Our Words

Your words can do a lot of good – or a lot of harm… choose them well.

Posted in Communication, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid!, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Better Customer Service Requires “Better” Customers!

customer service, WOWWith a splitting headache, I recently pulled into a car rental lot, hauled all my luggage out of the trunk, dragged it into the building, waited in line and went up to the counter to check out, when… ACCHH!!! I forgot to fill up the gas tank! It was only three-quarters full. At that point, I had the painful choice of paying almost $5.00 per gallon plus a fuel service charge for them to fill it, or lugging my stuff all the way back to the car, leaving the lot to find a gas station, filling up the tank, and driving back.

Ever cost-conscious, I chose the second option. When the attendant saw me come back, I told her what had happened, and she exclaimed, “Oh no! I almost said something to remind you that the tank wasn’t full… but I’ve had too many people yell (and curse!) at me lately for doing exactly that, so I said to myself, ‘Forget it! It’s her problem!’ and just ignored it. I’m really sorry.”

WOW, what an eye-opener! She thought about doing the right thing, and actually wanted to do it, but hesitated because too many customers had recently berated her for trying to go “above and beyond” to help them. She told me they’ve accused her of “trying to get into their business” and have even gotten angry with her because they knew their tank wasn’t full but were late for the airport and didn’t “need her trying to make them feel stupid!” Really?

We so often blame customer service people for poor service, but the fact is that as the buying public becomes more and more rude to representatives who are simply trying to help, the representatives themselves are becoming more and more gun-shy about opening their mouths.

The big lesson here is that the more we hang on to the baggage that some (rude) people throw our way, the more we are tempted to assume that everyone is going to treat us that way… and we’ll never give anyone the benefit of the doubt. Therefore, my challenge to customer service representatives is to PLEASE attempt to do the right thing anyway. Try to let rude customer actions roll off your back; remember that each customer is different and should be treated as though they’re coming to you with a “clean slate,” could use your help, and will show gratitude rather than rudeness when it’s offered.

And my challenge to customers is to PLEASE treat customer service representatives with dignity anyway. Try to let the rude actions of previous customer service representatives roll off your back; remember that each representative is different and should be treated as though they’re coming to you with a “clean slate,” have helpful intentions and will gladly offer the service you need.

…and if it doesn’t happen, at least you won’t be contributing to the cycle of rude behavior that threatens to cause customer service situations to gather momentum and foster even more rude behavior in the future.

Posted in Communication, Customer Service, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Find the Nail… and Fix It!

We’ve all heard the saying, “You can’t see the forest for the trees” – of course, meaning that sometimes we’re too close to our problems and can’t see the solutions because we can’t be objective.  The video below pokes fun at the differences between men and women.  But it also contains wisdom, not only about “one-size-fits-all” solutions, but about both sides listening and trying to rectify a situation instead of letting it go on unnecessarily and just “dealing” with it – continuing to stress both parties.

Looking at the comments posted on this video, the obvious points are:

  • Women claim that men never listen to them, or that they want to “fix things” rather than just listen, which is sometimes all a woman needs
  • Men feel that women bury their heads in the sand, rather than addressing and correcting the situation

I believe there’s a little bit of ALL of this going on… for both men and women. But it can be insulting (and sometimes actually dangerous), to stereotype people and behave in a certain manner, just because of the way we believe some act.

For example, I had a medical condition that caused me to visit 5 doctors in a year-and-a-half.  None could figure out what it was, and the last one (a woman!) told me it was all in my head and said, “You’d better get some help, sweetheart!”  Simply because no one could find the problem (and many doctors believe that women who complain of abdominal pain are merely suffering from stress, lack of attention from their significant other, or another related ailment), she dismissed me, insulted me, and sent me packing.

It turns out that surgery I’d had over 20 years prior had caused a bowel obstruction in my small intestine (due to the talcum powder that coated the surgical gloves, which had sifted into the wound during surgery and mixed with my bodily fluids to form a sort of “paste” – by the way, they now use talcum-free gloves).  It took 20 years, but it finally “glued” my intestine shut in two places!  Only when I became so ill that I had to be hospitalized, and an MRI was performed, did the problem become clear.

Of course, there are times when there is no obvious problem and no easy solution… and sometimes the “nail” is that someone just needs to vent.  On the flip side, there are times when there is an obvious problem, but no one wants to admit what it is. Sometimes the “fix” is too painful, or people don’t want to admit they missed something that obvious (or were wrong), or they just don’t see the problem because they’re too close to it.

But, there’s a reason for the pain in our head, or the disengagement of our employees, or the mass exodus of our people.

Is it time for you or your organization to “find the nail” and fix the situation, so you can move forward to alleviate the symptoms and their consequences?  Maybe it means beginning with small steps, such as taking time to listen to someone who needs a sympathetic ear; perhaps it means acknowledging people’s efforts and letting them know that someone notices and appreciates them; or maybe it’s deeper and a heart-to-heart conversation is needed to help someone recognize an issue and move toward correcting it.

I heard a great quote by an unknown author: “There are always two choices, two paths, to take.  One is easy, and its only reward is that it’s easy.”

Do we really want to do things because they’re easy… or do we want to do things because they’re worth it?  Take some small steps today to identify and correct the issues within your power, and you will facilitate the move from creating “OWs” to creating “WOWs” for yourself and everyone around you.  It may not be easy, and all issues may not be corrected overnight, but every effort toward greater understanding and respect will definitely be worth it.

Posted in Communication, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful | 2 Comments

Creativity and Innovation Produce Results… Even If Accidentally!

Here’s a great video that shows the power of innovation and creativity, even when it creates an accidental invention.  As you can see, even accidents have the power to change an experience, a life, and even the world… illustrating the fact that innovation and creativity should never be stifled, or we may just miss out on some life-altering inventions!

If the video won’t start by clicking the photo above, please click the link below:


Posted in Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Customer Service Should Be AT Your Fingertips… not ON Them!

WOW customer service,  WOWplace

Customer Service ON Your Fingertips!

I have to warn you that this post might gross you out a little… but it really shows how we take customer service, and the “assumed knowledge” of employees for granted.  We all assume that people receive a base level of knowledge growing up and that we don’t have to teach them certain things when we hire them.  But take a look at this story:

One of my husband’s doctors went to a wedding over the weekend.  When it came time to cut the cake (not the fun “cutting of the cake” by the bride and groom, but time for the staff to cut it into slices and serve it to the guests), she was appalled by what she saw.

Every time the server sliced a piece of cake, he got frosting on his fingers, which he then proceeded to LICK OFF HIS FINGERS before cutting the next slice, when he again plowed into the cake with those same fingers and got more frosting on them… which he licked off again – well, you get the picture!  She was so disturbed by this that she finally took over the task herself to keep him from slobbering all over the entire cake!

Obviously, this hotel’s catering staff had not been trained in basic hygiene necessary for handling food and serving guests.  (Simply putting up a sign in the rest rooms that says, “All employees must wash hands before returning to work” is not enough!)

Coincidentally, we were also told by friends at a different wedding in a different hotel on the same weekend, that the cake slicer there was so young and inexperienced (and apparently no one had told him how big to cut the cake slices) that by the time he got done, the slices were too big and there wasn’t enough cake for all the guests!

Bad weekend for weddings!

Here are some tips that can help you turn an OW! into a WOW! by not assuming that your employees have a basic knowledge of job duties when they arrive:

  1. Never ASSUME they know what they should know!  There are many homes where children are not being taught things that in the past were taken for granted, such as cooking, cleaning, hygiene, sanitation.  Unfortunately, when working in a critical situation like food service, it is up to the employer to fill in those gaps – and in fact ASSUME that gaps exist by taking no level of knowledge for granted.
  2. Make a list of all job duties and if it makes a difference (as in the case of hygiene), HOW they should be performed, then train employees on both aspects – the what and the how.  Then add the WHY.  Most people will simply forget what you’re telling them if you don’t tell them why it’s important, so don’t forget the why.
  3. Observe them actually performing those tasks before they go live with real guests.  So many things can be corrected before they cause harm if we just look at what people are doing, and how they are doing it in the training situation.  Let them practice concepts because “hands-on” training beats lecturing any day!
  4. Reinforce it consistently.  It does no good to tell people something once and then forget about it… again assuming they will remember it, and then assuming they will do it.
  5. Observe them in live customer service situations.  This doesn’t mean intimidating them, but simply letting them know you’re there and want to ensure that every experience is the biggest WOW possible for everyone involved.

We see situations every day where assumed knowledge is taken for granted, and it creates a customer service OW!  Become more observant and apply those lessons to your personal and professional life.  By doing this, you can improve upon everything you do – and turn any potential OW! into a WOW!

What have you seen that you can share… and from which we can all learn?

Posted in Customer Service, Fun Work Observations, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #1: A WOWplace is Safe | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

The Paperless Future – FUN Observation!

OK, this hysterical 32-second video on the paperless future is a “must watch”!  Companies and individuals alike can learn a lot about marketing, messaging, and about having fun with how life and relationships work by watching this fun video.


Posted in Fun Life Observations/Motivation, Humor Eases All!, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Amazing Employees

amazing employees, employee engagement

Amazing employees make everyone winners!

I recently read an article in Inc. Magazine about 10 things that really amazing employees do.  It clearly spells out the WOW actions that these types of employees take… and what employers who want them in their organization should look for.

Take a look:

Ten Things Amazing Employees Do

Even if you don’t do all ten of these things, just committing to two or three of them (to start with) and then looking for opportunities to do the others will help everyone on the team create a true WOWplace out of an ordinary workplace.

I’d love to hear how you put these principles into action!

Posted in Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun!, Rule #5: A WOWplace is Rewarding | 2 Comments

Hiring and Retaining Your A-Team

A Players Hire & Refer Other A Players!

A recent article by Bob Gershberg, Managing Partner of Wray Executive Search, highlights the necessity of hiring A-Players in your organization.  The differences between A-players and B- and C-players are startling, and the long-term effects of hiring the best people (who will then hire more people who “play” at a higher level) quickly add up.

Bob also points out that you can’t teach attitude… you can only modify behavior, which is why it’s so important to hire people with the right attitude from the start.  Employees with the right attitude are committed to creating WOWs for customers (and colleagues) at every opportunity.

In fact, if you don’t hire “WOW” people, with “WOW” attitudes, it doesn’t matter how many “WOW” products and services you have.  They may attract customers, but statistics show that when customers leave, only 14% do so because they don’t like the product or service.  86% leave because of the way they were treated by company representatives.

Therefore, hiring A-players is crucial… because creating a WOW is a matter of will:
Will I
Won’t I

Will I or Won’t I… do what is absolutely right – and necessary – to create a WOW for this customer or co-worker right now?  Whether I really feel like it or not, or I am tired today?  Hiring A-Team players will give you the best chance of ensuring that your team members will answer this question with, “Yes, I will!”.

Be sure to read Bob’s full article for more details and some startling statistics on the differences between A-players and everyone else… and thanks for sharing, Bob!

Posted in Communication, Customer Service, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid! | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Delta Airlines Creates a WOW in Minneapolis!

Tables and tables of iPads!

I recently traveled through the Minneapolis Airport and had the surprising pleasure of enjoying my 2-hour layover for my next Delta flight leaving from Terminal G.

Wait – I enjoyed my layover… for 2 hours?!  Yes, you read that right… I enjoyed it – and here’s why:

Instead of uncomfortable, ripped, stiff standard airline chairs in the gate area (as in most airports), there were rows and rows of comfortably padded seats at small tables containing iPads!


Keep informed of your flight status!

When I arrived at one of the tables, a server immediately came over to explain the process to me: I could touch the screen (which allowed me to indicate which flight I was waiting for, so I could remain informed of its status), then touch the menu.  A variety of delicious-sounding choices were presented to me, and I selected the ones I wanted, checked out my “shopping cart”, swiped my credit card on the personal swiper at the table, and entered my e-mail address so my receipt could be e-mailed to me.

Swipe your credit card

While I waited for my food to be prepared (which was a hot, delicious personal pizza!), I could surf the net, check e-mail, play games, and do a whole host of other interesting activities (all FREE!) while I waited for my food to arrive.


iPads at Delta gates were a WOW!

What a concept!  Delta has taken the interminable waits at the terminal gates… and turned them into fun and unique experiences.  Instead of being bored and frustrated by my long wait for my next flight, Delta now has me hoping I can get connected through Minneapolis (or possibly JFK or LaGuardia, which also have iPads) again on my next flight, where I feel more like I’m waiting in a rather upscale cafe than an airport.

And next time I think I’ll have another pizza… no, a panini!  No, a chef salad!  Oh, the choices…

Posted in Customer Service, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

WOWs Can Happen When We Give Them A Chance

I came across this video of an autistic basketball player that just wowed me.  It’s really amazing how it shows us that:

  • We can never assume we know what’s going to happen
  • We should never assume the extent (or limitations) of anyone’s abilities
  • We never know what people can do if we just give them a try.

I hope this video inspires you to do something unusual to allow someone else to shine today.

Posted in Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid!, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment