WOW Customer Service: You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a SECOND Impression!

WOWplace, motivational speaker Sandy Geroux, WOW Customer ServiceWe’ve all heard the saying that “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”  However, in the world of customer service (and its important partner, sales), it’s often not about the first impression… it’s about the second, a.k.a. the follow-up!

The truth is that most sales and customer service professionals do not fall down on the first impression.  In sales, we go to networking events and put on our “game day” face.  We’re great at talking to people, getting them interested in what we have to offer.  We craft “elevator speeches” and fun, memorable “positioning statements”… and then, when we’ve hooked someone and gotten them interested in doing business with us, we choke!  Because the deal isn’t sealed right there on the spot (what deals are?), we forget how important the follow-up is.

In customer service, we answer the phone and put on our “game day” voice, politely, cheerfully and respectfully, but if we can’t fix their problem immediately on that first call, we also choke!  We transfer them, make them repeat their problems, promise calls back… but then never make them – forcing customers to call back and start the process over and over again – until it’s finally resolved through their diligent efforts (not ours) or they leave.

There are many reasons why these follow-up failures occur:

  1. We lose or somehow misplace their contact information and can’t call them (or we can’t even remember that someone wanted us to call them).
  2. We forget to call them, as day after day after day “gets away from us” because we’re so overloaded that we can’t keep up.
  3. We pass the information along to a co-worker whom we trust to get back to the person, but they don’t do it – and we never follow up to see if it was done.
  4. We don’t check our e-mail or voicemail for days (or weeks), and let leads go stale.
  5. We get sick and can’t get back to them because we’re a one-person shop – and we just can’t do anything when we get sick.
  6. In large call centers, often customers can’t call us back personally since the organization is so large.  When they do call back, they have to speak to whomever answers that day – and hope that the previous representative made complete notes in the file.

Whatever the reason – one of the above or a plethora of others – does it really matter?  Do customers care about our overload, illness, or technological issues?  No.  In fact, if we can’t even take care of them while we’re trying to earn their business, they (rightfully) wonder how they’ll be treated once we have it!  The harm to our reputation and our business caused by falling down on this most important “WOW” opportunity is often irreparable.

The bigger point is that by WOWing potential customers on the first contact, we have actually set the stage for (and made an “implied promise” of) just as good an experience on the second one – maybe even better!  If that “promise” is broken, the potential customer becomes even more disenchanted than if they’d never met, spoken with, or otherwise established a relationship with us.  This makes the fall even harder when it happens, as they feel betrayed or misled: “I expect that from strangers, but I don’t expect it from people I’ve connected with.”

If you’re going to take all the time and effort (and often expense) of trying to make WOW impressions on people on your first contact with them, make the most of those opportunities!  Put backup plans (and people) in place to take over if you’re sick, on vacation, or incapacitated; use technology to help you be more organized and productive; use “tickler” systems to help you remember when to follow up – and with whom; make notes so others can handle the situation if necessary – and so you can remember what’s been done.  All these little steps add up to one big WOW experience!

Make the most of those precious opportunities to connect face-to-face, voice-to-voice, and heart-to-heart… just don’t “break their hearts” by forgetting to WOW them as much on subsequent contact opportunities as you did on the first one!

Posted in Communication, Customer Service, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

WOW! Workplace “Fun” Trumps “Boring” Any Day!

Here is a cool little video demonstration of how different, unique and enjoyable we can make any occasion if we just add a little fun (notice that the musicians are all the same person wearing different vests – a great technological feat in itself!):

Wedding Musician(s) Gone Wild

(Thanks to Mel’s Videos for posting such a cool video!)

This concept applies to work, too.  There are many opportunities for us to allow our co-workers to have a little fun at work.  Some suggestions are to:

  • Put a little chocolate (or stuffed animal or other surprise) on a co-worker’s desk every day for a week to greet them in the morning, and just let them know you’re thinking of them and appreciate what they do to make your job easier or more fun each day.
  • Write a thank you note to someone and mail it to their home address, instead of having them open and read it at work.
  • Bring a picnic lunch to work and share it with your department.  Bring red and white checkered plastic tablecloths, some paper plates and cups, plastic utensils, lemonade… you could even buy some fake “ants” and bring them to the party just to liven it up a bit!  You can bring the food yourself, or just have everyone bring something – then surprise them with the picnic items without telling them about it ahead of time.
  • Have an Ice Cream Social – for breakfast!  Who says you can’t eat ice cream in the morning?

Think of fun things that your employees and co-workers would enjoy… and surprise them once in a while, rather than just allowing every day to be a new version of the same-old/same-old!  Don’t just do it once; do it periodically.  It will put an atmosphere of fun into the workplace that will make people open up, feel more connected, and actually enjoy pieces of their workday even more simply because someone cared to do something nice for them.

Posted in Humor Eases All!, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Create a WOW: Break the Myth (and Dangers) of Working 24/7

WOWplace, Working 24/7, employee motivation

Working around the clock helps no one!

When was the last time you took a vacation – a REAL vacation, where you didn’t even think about work?  Or even took just a weekend… or a night off?  Working 24/7 (even just thinking about work 24/7) is not healthy for you… and it’s not healthy for your company.  Many of us feel we have no choice, but this type of work ethic and schedule exact a high price from those who employ it.  The point is that no workplace will ever be a WOWplace if employees are completely burned out and drained from having to think about work around the clock.

Inc. Magazine wrote a wonderful article on how employees at global giant Boston Consulting Group have changed this attitude by fostering a “team coverage” mindset.  Read below how they did it – and how you can implement (or suggest) it for your workplace:

It’s not impossible to apply these principles, no matter what you do, or how large or small your company.  As a REALTOR, with only one assistant, I employed this principle to get some much-needed downtime.  If my assistant at the time was unlicensed, she covered the administrative portions of my business during vacations, while licensed colleagues covered the real estate-related portions (which I reciprocated during theirs).  If my assistant was licensed, we covered for each other on vacations and weekends.  I remember taking a one-week cruise and coming back to discover that 5 new contracts had been signed while I was away.  I almost took another one immediately just to repeat that success!!

Even now, as a solo-preneur completely engaged and excited about my own business and its success, I still need downtime to help me refresh body and mind to continue doing what I do at the highest level of quality and service possible.

Give it a try.  Let go of the mindset that you are the ONLY one who can do a task.  Sometimes this is true – but it’s not always true… and it’s definitely not true 24/7.  Have faith in your team and start looking for ways to enable the team to give every individual on the team some needed time to “refresh” while the team takes care of business.

Posted in Rule #1: A WOWplace is Safe, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun!, Time & Stress Management | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

If It’s Easy & Convenient, It Gets Done

Have you ever noticed that although you start a task with every intention of completing it, if something unexpected occurs that prevents you from completing it right at that moment, it usually doesn’t happen for a long time – if ever.  It could be that I’m nearly finished ordering something online, and a question arises that makes me wary of completing it; or I’m trying to put together a child’s toy and a critical piece is defective or missing; or I click on a “training” video, only to have someone spend 20 minutes re-stating the problem and never getting to a solution… unless, of course, I want to watch yet another video or possibly buy something.

As providers of any product or service, it’s up to us to make it quick and easy for customers to find what they’re looking for.  How easy is it for your customers to find the solutions, tips, help, advice, and other answers they seek – online, on the phone, via e-mail, or in person?

If we want to turn prospects into customers, and first-time customers into repeat customers, we must remember the following philosophy and make it our mantra:  What’s easy and convenient gets done. If there is even one setback,  people are often stopped from completing the task – permanently.  Eliminate potential setbacks when asking customers to buy from you by:

  1. Anticipating and answering all potential questions up front.  Have an FAQ page to answer common questions; be sure those questions (objections) are addressed in any in-person presentations.  Don’t wait to be asked! Show potential customers you know their concerns and have taken care of them before they even ask about them.
  2. Providing testimonials to alleviate quality and service questions in potential customers’ minds.  Almost 70% of first-time buyers are influenced to buy by the presence of testimonials on websites.  Use this concept by including testimonials in marketing materials, presentations, sales letters, even proposals!
  3. Eliminating “legal-ese” from your terms and conditions.  Don’t make them so convoluted that people can’t understand what they’re agreeing to.  If you must get “technical”, take the time to explain important concepts to help facilitate a decision.
  4. Ensuring proper quality control in everything you deliver… whether in tangible products or intangible services.

Put yourself in your customers’ shoes.  Try your own products, surf the net, visit your websites, record yourself giving your presentation and review that recording for comfort level, information given, and possible questions left unanswered.  Make sure there are no show-stoppers when it comes to doing business with you.  Human nature is such that people will take the “path of least resistance.”  Create WOW experiences and make sure customers take yours… and not your competitor’s.

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What is your WOW?

WOWplace, Sandy Geroux motivational speaker logoWhat WOW “thing” are you known for? What would you like to be known for?  To make a difference in the lives of those around you, consistently (not just occasionally) do something special that creates WOWs for others.

Think about the WOW people you know – the people you like to be around most.  Do you like them because they’re sometimes nice people? Or once in a while they think of others and do something good for them? No!  It’s because of who they usually are: consistently kind, always polite and respectful, usually take the time to notice and appreciate those around them.

I recently spoke at an association’s annual meeting. At their banquet, I couldn’t help but notice that many attendees were clamoring to sit at one woman’s table.  After meeting her, it was obvious why.  She was gregarious, friendly, warm, and outgoing. However, the biggest characteristic I noticed was that she genuinely cared about other people… and it showed in her relationships with her colleagues!  She asked about them and their family members, really listened to them, and remembered details of their conversations.

I discovered that she also treats everyone who reports to her the same way. This is not a one-time or occasional thing for her – it’s part of who she truly is! By always showing her care and compassion for others, she has created a WOW environment in which all of her colleagues want to be near her, and all of her employees love working for her!

So, what is your WOW? What is it that you do that makes others want to be near you, work with you, go to bat for you when necessary, or just enjoy sharing time with you? No one can do it all, so don’t try to be WOW in every area; pick one thing that reflects your values and focus on doing that consistently, such as:

  • Always noticing the actions of others and saying something to them immediately
  • Frequently expressing appreciation for others; never taking them for granted
  • Occasionally hand-writing thank you (and other) notes, rather than always taking the easy way out via e-mail
  • Always replying to/confirming e-mail to let others know you got their message (I recently got a “thank you” from someone for doing this!)
  • Go first!  Acknowledge others first, smile first, nod first, say hello first – don’t wait for others to go first!

By being true to who you are, and letting others know you care about them (which creates a WOW in and of itself!), you will become known for the WOWs you create for everyone around you… it really makes a difference!

Posted in Communication, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid! | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Quick Reactions Can Be Good or Bad

Here’s a fun little post to let you have a quick break for a couple of minutes to take this fun (and revealing) test of your reaction times (click on the link below) and to get you thinking about your reaction times in other areas of your personal or professional life.

The automobile driving manual says the average driver’s reaction time is: .75 seconds, or 1 car length for every 10 mph.   This is absolutely necessary when you need to react quickly to prevent physical injury or loss of life.

Now think about other areas where quick reactions may not help us – and can actually hurt us… such as when we’re angry and fire off a blistering e-mail to someone (or to an entire GROUP of someones)… an e-mail that can damage relationships, hurt our credibility, and cause undue and often irreparable harm.

Be careful about how you use technology.  It’s too easy to simply hit the SEND button and say or do something that you would never have said or done face-to-face.  Vent elsewhere, if you must.  But remember: quick reactions are often helpful, but in certain situations must be controlled to avoid harm… and even quicker counteractions.

Click on Reaction Test Below – Enjoy!

Reaction Test

Posted in Fun Life Observations/Motivation, Humor Eases All!, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Stop the Epidemic!

There’s an epidemic going on:

Take the WOWplace Challenge!  How do you create WOW experiences… How can you create more.  Post your ideas here. We’d love to hear from you!

Posted in Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid! | Leave a comment

How WOW Is Your Welcome?

Visitors and new employees deserve to get a WOWplace welcome and be made to feel “at home.”

Posted in Communication, Customer Service, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid! | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Create a WOW: Tune Your Dial to WIIFY

When it comes to creating WOW experiences for others, instead of tuning our dial to WIIFM, let’s try a new “station” called WIIFY!


Posted in Communication, Customer Service, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful | Leave a comment

Does Your Body Language Say, “I Respect You?”

respect in the workplace, creating wow experiences

What does your body say?

If you have ever watched the TV comedy, “Everybody Loves Raymond,” you know that Raymond’s wife, Debra, loves to call him an “Idiot” whenever he does something dumb.  Sometimes, his actions are SO dumb that she even rolls her eyes.

One day, Raymond suggested that they be nicer to each other, which included her not calling him “Idiot” any more.  It also included not rolling her eyes.  Of course, the next time he did something stupid, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes, to which Raymond shouted, “I heard that!”

Our bodies say an awful lot our mouths don’t intend to say.  By rolling our eyes, pursing our lips, and doing other things with our faces, we’re often calling people idiots without intending to.  By tapping our fingers or our feet, we’re sending a loud and clear message that we don’t value (or have time for) the information being told to us at the time.

Whether or not we have time for it right then is beside the point.  If we really don’t have time, we should just tell them we’d appreciate being able to speak with them later on because we’re in a rush and can’t fully focus on what’s being said right then.  It’s disrespectful to “pretend” (or fool ourselves into thinking) we have time, but then make it obvious to the speaker that we don’t.

Another action to watch is how we often reflect our own internal consternation.  No matter how impatient you are with someone’s questions, stop and ask yourself:

  1. Is it reasonable for them to be asking this?  Are they new to the job?  Have they been trained properly?
  2. Who else can they ask for help if you don’t have time… or if you’re not the right person to guide them?
  3. How do you make them feel when they ask you questions?  Do you make them feel valued and supported so they can do their job well?  Or do you make them feel stupid, which could cause them to eventually stop asking and do the job wrong… or leave the company?

I have a friend whose boss makes her feel like a complete idiot every time she asks a question.  However, she was never trained properly for her job because her “trainer” was the previous employee in the position, who was too busy making preparations for her new job that she never had time to train the new employee.  But every time my friend goes to her boss, she feels worse and worse.  So, she tries her best to get the information elsewhere, even though it takes her twice as long to do the job as it should.

…and now she’s looking for a new job.

If we don’t treat our colleagues and employees right… and if we make it difficult for them to do a good job for us, they won’t.  And they’ll either leave and find a new workplace where they can feel like a success… or worse, they’ll stay right there and do their current job poorly.

Let’s help them succeed by treating them right and helping them succeed!

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