Oh, How We Love To Assume!

Most of us have heard the old saying, “Never assume because…” (well, I’m assuming you can probably fill in the rest…)

Nevertheless, most of us still make assumptions so often every day that it boggles the mind. I catch myself quite frequently doing this, despite my constant efforts to quickly analyze situations before falling into the trap of making a potentially bad assumption.

In fact, I recently began consulting with someone named Steven, with whom I have exchanged many emails and texts. At some point, I began addressing his messages to “Steve” when I suddenly noticed that he was signing his messages as “Steven.”

Hmmm. Was this just because it was his automatic email signature? Or was his full, formal name listed there intentionally because this was how he preferred to be addressed? He had never corrected me, but I wasn’t sure, so I asked the question, “Which do you prefer?”

My bad! Turns out, he prefers Steven. I had made an assumption that caused me to begin referring to him with a nickname he preferred not to use. He was kind enough not to cause me any embarrassment by correcting me – but darn! I am a stickler when it comes to using someone’s preferred name. And yet, I had still fallen into the trap of making assumptions.

This is both a personal and professional trap we must constantly avoid. In this case, I had made a relatively common assumption that didn’t cause any harm. But what if you’re in a customer service, sales or other situation where you can inadvertently damage a valuable relationship?

For example, I recently worked with an electric utility company that has a customer service representative who made a brilliant move when confronted with what could have been a difficult conversation. She avoided any difficulty simply by refraining from assuming.

A customer had called to complain that his electric bill was too high. Upon hearing this complaint, what would most of us assume he would want the company to do? Right! Reduce his bill!

However, this representative was seasoned enough to know she didn’t need to cause any further problems by filling in the blanks with potentially wrong information. So, instead of assuming she knew what he would request (and beginning to defend the company or tell him that they couldn’t reduce his bill as a result), she simply asked, “What would you like us to do?” Brilliant!

“Please send someone out to check my meter.”

The answer she received was both surprising and a relief! He said, “I’d like you to send someone out to check my meter to be sure it’s working correctly.”

WOW, they could certainly do that! And it was a perfectly reasonable request!

Too often, we assume people will be unreasonable and we work ourselves up prior to what we anticipate will be an unreasonable conversation or request; we assume they are going to ask for the moon so we prepare our “defense” to let them know why they can’t have it; and in the process, we sometimes create even more problems and hurt feelings by trying to solve the wrong problem.

This happens, even when we’re trying to do something nice for someone else – or trying to make up for a mistake we’ve made.

For example, I had ordered business cards from a company, asking for the front (but not the back) to be laminated. Unfortunately, the company experienced a problem that caused the cards to be so delayed that I missed having them available at an important conference. The company apologized, but then decided to do something “nice” for me to make up for it. They laminated the other side of the card, free of charge, and shipped them to me.

Well, it was a very nice thing to think of! The problem was that they assumed everyone would like both sides of their business card laminated (who wouldn’t?!); they also assumed that the reason I hadn’t laminated the second side was to save money.

In fact, this was not that at all. I didn’t want the other side laminated because I often like to write a small note on the back of my card before I hand it to someone. But you can’t write on a laminated card, so their nice gesture turned into an additional frustration for me every time I handed out a card and couldn’t write a note on it.

Are you making assumptions without even realizing it? Nicknames… customer service requests and complaints… sales calls… even favors and kind gestures for others. We must be vigilant to avoid falling into common traps, such as:

  • Most people with that formal name go by that nickname, so he/she must, too!
  • Everyone loves to do (or have) that, so they will, too!
  • When is the baby due? Oops! You’re not pregnant?
  • … and on and on. (I’m sure you can fill in the blanks here from your own experience.)

The point is that, even if we think we’re doing someone a favor, we should first double-check our assumptions to ensure that the kind gesture we intend to deliver actually turns out to be so.

Posted in Communication, Customer Service, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Thriving in the “Silver Lining” Requires Action

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Everyone in the world is experiencing challenging times right now. And the challenges will probably continue for a while, even after travel and meetings resume and business gets “back to normal.”

Since no one knows what “normal” is going to look like, we need to ensure that we’re not simply propagating “happy talk” but taking positive action as we find the silver lining in this challenge together.

Don’t get me wrong. I love all the positive images and quotes and humor going around at this time to inspire others. But, just as we should follow the good advice to take a break from the negative news that abounds every day and refuse to become obsessed by it, the flip side is also true.

We need to also take a break from reading, watching and sharing the positive and fun items that abound to inspire us, give us a good laugh and “take our minds off our troubles.” We don’t want to become obsessed with those things and lose the opportunity to set ourselves up for success when this is over.

It’s sort of like doing busywork. It FEELS like we’re doing something (“Hey, I’m getting through all this email! “Hey, I’m spreading sunshine to everyone!”), but if we spend all our time on busywork, we actually destroy our ability to get real work done because we’re focusing on the wrong things.

Whether you’re still working at full or reduced pay on the job site or from home, you’ve been furloughed for a while or laid off, or you are an entrepreneur whose business has been put into a temporary holding pattern, let’s keep one thing in mind:

The current challenge WILL end.

Mahatma Gandhi

What is your plan for when that happens? Will you take charge of your future (whatever it holds) or will you allow yourself to become a “victim” of unfortunate circumstances?

How well you thrive in the long-term depends on how well set yourself up for success in the short-term.

Remember the wise words of Mahatma Gandhi:
“Our future depends on what we do in the present.”

Below are some quick tips for ensuring that you give yourself the best chance of thriving once business starts up again.

Don’t back off now!
Some of you may be experiencing a dramatic change in the way your work, as well as your duties. In these uncertain times, you may even be wondering what will happen when you return, after several months of either changed duties, reduced duties or a complete furlough.

Backing off too much will do nothing to ensure that your employer recognizes your value throughout the crisis and wishes to retain your services once it’s over.

Maintain your discipline to do productive things during the day, such as getting up early, showering and getting dressed, and getting into your “designated workspace” to prepare for a productive day.

Once there, look at the challenges your leaders and teams are having and offer to help (even if they are so overwhelmed that they don’t recognize what they need).

Even if you can’t perform your regular duties, this is a great time to increase your knowledge and expertise. Take online courses, practice little-used skills that may be needed more often in the future, enhance your knowledge of current policies and procedures that may have cost you precious time in the past so you can be more efficient when you return.

Don’t just sit around and be a couch potato. We have never had more “free” time in our lives to not only relax with our families but also enhance our knowledge. So the temptation is great to say, “I have plenty of time. I’ll do it tomorrow!” Believe me, I am fighting that urge daily myself!

If you have ever said, “I don’t have the time to [whatever]”, maybe the time is now. Don’t get caught off guard when things suddenly change again and you find yourself wondering where all that extra time went and wishing you had taken better advantage of it while you had it.

Think ahead!
There has never been a bigger need for proactive and critical thinking.

Ask yourself if there’s something more you could be doing to help your leaders be more productive and your organization remain profitable… or even solvent!

What do your leaders and teams need right now? In the future? What new challenges are they facing? How can you help alleviate the growing pains of doing work remotely or differently?

Which policies, procedures and processes are working? Which are not? Which are necessary and which are redundant or obsolete? Are there things you can start – or stop – doing to be more productive?

What gaps in customer service are revealing themselves? Can you find ways to close those gaps? What new products are being suggested by customers and clients? Listen to what they are asking for. If it doesn’t yet exist at your organization, this could be a wonderful way for your company to add products, services and profits to help them recover after the storm has passed.

Dare to do what others are not willing to do
If you’re in sales or self-employed, you may be thinking, “Why contact people now? No one has the money to do anything at this time.” While this may be true, you have probably never had more time to do prospecting than right now. Start building new relationships (or shore up old ones) so that when the purse strings are loosened up a bit, you will be positioned to provide the services those new relationships will need at that time.

When I was a REALTOR, I used to hear other agents say they didn’t advertise in the Sunday newspaper (yes, we did that back then!) on a holiday weekend because “no one reads the Sunday paper on holiday weekends.”

My philosophy was to go where no one else was going if I thought it might be beneficial. I thought to myself, “Even if they don’t read it on Sunday, they’ll probably save it and read it later. And, if fewer people are advertising on that day, my ads will stand out more!” Sure enough – on Tuesdays after a holiday weekend, my phone would start ringing from the ads I’d placed on Sunday! My sellers sure appreciated my efforts!

Ask questions
Many customer service representatives (and others) are finding themselves in more consultative roles than ever before, with customers requesting unusual services, advice, and even just a compassionate ear to bend at times. We all need to be more empathetic and attentive to their needs than ever before.

Never assume that you know what people are asking for or need. Sometimes they don’t know themselves. Inquiring into exactly why they’re requesting what they’re requesting may reveal what they truly need, which may have nothing to do with your organization! If you pay attention to what’s going on in your community, as well as your organization, you may even be able to point them in the right direction, rather than leaving them frustrated because your organization “can’t solve their problem.”

Stay positive!
Let them know what you’re currently doing to help. Ask permission to take items off someone’s plate and free up their time. Offer to do something that you normally wouldn’t have had time to do in the past, but represents a much-appreciated helping hand now.

Continue to find new ways to remind your leaders that, even if they’re not using your services for certain things now, as they did before, this doesn’t mean that none of your services will be needed later.

I’d love to hear what you’re doing to stay productive at this time and continue to add value for your organization. Please feel free to leave your comments below!

Thanks – and stay safe and healthy!

Posted in Fun Work Observations, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Can your business survive, “They were great, but…”?

We recently went on a tour in another country. One of our hotels was exceptional and has been used several times by the tour operators. The accommodations were excellent, as was the food, but every time we ate there (or at many other area restaurants whose food was also excellent), we noticed that many small details were continually missed.

We asked for a sweet potato and got a white potato. Someone else asked for his steak to be served without any sauce or basting… yet the steak was delivered sitting in its basting juices – and there was sauce on top. Another person asked for red wine and received white wine. A medium rare steak was delivered well done. At breakfast, we requested eggs “over easy” and were served eggs over “VERY hard.” And on and on… at every meal, there were several small “mis-steps” that added up to an experience that was good but marred by memories of many collective mistakes that were hard to forget.

When people started commenting on this, some group members said, “It’s always like this, every time we come. You just learn to deal with it.”

WOW… I don’t think I’d want people saying that about any business I owned – or about my personal performance. I realize that no one is perfect and mistakes will occasionally happen when dealing with humans. But I wouldn’t want to have a great experience dampened (or overshadowed) by repetitive mistakes that are easily avoided.

The biggest problem we could see is that no one ever wrote anything down when the orders were being taken, despite the size of the group. How can anyone be expected to remember all the nuances of a large order unless you write them down? After all, we’re only human. And apparently, no matter how many mistakes the same server made, nothing was ever done to correct or avoid them in the future.

Now, you might argue that the people from that country may not be as “picky” as international travelers, so there is no need to write orders down, as they usually come “standard.” But these restaurants are in international cities that serve diners from all over the world. If you want to be a world-class establishment that serves customers from all over the world, their experiences must be free of the number of errors experienced here… or you risk losing that clientele for future meals and events. After all, there were hundreds of restaurants to choose from in a small geographic area.

Think about how this applies in your business or your position at work. What is the experience that you want everyone to remember about you? Or your organization?

Think about it: when occasional patrons visit your establishment, they often don’t know who you are. They only know where they are. So, the organization (the where) takes a hit on its reputation, rather than the person (the who) delivering the experience that causes the hit. And when we’re talking about frequent visitors or colleagues who interact often with the same person, both the person and the organization take the hit.

So, how can you ensure that everything you do is of the highest standards and you avoid making the same mistake twice?

  • Pay attention when you make a mistake. Analyze how/why it happened. Was it a fluke or was it something that is at risk of being repeated if I don’t correct something? Learn from every complaint or issue that arises, no matter how minor.
  • Make adjustments as necessary. Sometimes one tiny adjustment (like writing things down) can prevent that mistake from happening again in the future. Writing it down not only puts it in black and white so you can refer to it later, but it cements the experience in your mind, making it less likely that you will simply forget that it happened… until it happens again.
  • Share what you’ve discovered with others. If you’re making a particular mistake, there is a good possibility that others are making the same mistake. I know it’s sometimes difficult to admit our mistakes, but please try, even if you just position it in the following manner: “I discovered a new way to do [this…] because I was having a challenge with it. I wondered if you were having the same challenge and if this could help you, too.” Too often, we find great new ways to do things, but don’t share with anyone. This is due to a myriad of reasons that must be eliminated, including:
    • not thinking of sharing or writing it down;
    • not wanting to share the “glory” of the discovery (The old “knowledge is power!” syndrome);
    • thinking you’re the only one experiencing this problem;
    • not knowing who to tell – or if your input would be welcome; and
    • fear of embarrassment at having to admit the problem in the first place.
  • Seek help. If something happens over and over and you can’t get a handle on why, ask others if they recognize what’s going on, or if they’ve discovered a way to overcome it. Sometimes you’re just too close to the problem and an outsider is easily able to pick up on a tiny nuance you’ve missed.

If we all pay attention to the large and small things we can personally control by really listening to the feedback and requests others bring to our attention, look for opportunities to improve, and then share our insights with others in similar positions, we can greatly improve the experience of every customer or visitor to our business and continually raise the reputation of the entire organization, as well as our personal reputation, in the process.

The only way to stay in (and keep growing) a business is to ensure that everyone who interacts with us says, “WOW!” – not “WOW, but…”

I’d love to hear your comments! Please feel free to post or comment below.

Also, check out my new Skills Portfolio online course, a self-guided course for creating a powerful tool that will help you get recognized, get rewarded, improve your performance and clearly demonstrate the full value you bring to the table!

Click the image below to check it out!

Skills Portfolio online course
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Want to Engage Employees? “Gamify” Their Duties!


Before you say, “What?” and dismiss this post, let me explain that I don’t mean you have to play games with your team members in order for them to do their jobs. What it means is that we should be looking at the same principles that hold people’s attention when they’re playing games, and apply them to their job duties and performance.

For example, let’s look at a short list of reasons why games engage people so well:

There’s a clear PURPOSE to the game

What is your purpose (e.g., “We want to rule the [your industry] world!”)? Do your people clearly understand why they are there? One persistent challenge is that people’s jobs are often so disconnected from the purpose they’re trying to achieve (professionally and organizationally) that they feel as though they’re performing activities that are meaningless.

Leadership vision, geroux, wowplace

Are your people merely breaking up rocks?

You can overcome this by helping everyone see your overall vision. I read a great story in which a man in ancient times came upon a field where men were breaking up rocks. He asked several what they were doing, to which they all replied, “Can’t you see? We’re breaking up rocks!” But when he asked one final man the same question, the man replied, “Can’t you see? We’re building a cathedral?!” How much more meaning does it give to “breaking up rocks” when you know you’re contributing to building a cathedral? Help them see the cathedral… not just the rocks.

Leadership goals, targets, geroux, wowplace

Do you set clear, measurable goals?

There are clear GOALS to reach

Goals help everyone accomplish their mutual purpose. Without them, people are shooting blindly, trying to hit an unknown target. If they don’t know what to aim for, they’ll disengage because, if they can’t tell if they’re getting anywhere, they’ll never feel capable of succeeding in their positions (even if they know the vision you shared).

Set clear, achievable, measurable goals for your people. Be sure to assign roles, so everyone knows who is working on which goal. Set deadlines, so they can’t go on forever without accountability. Put metrics in place to measure the progress and success of everyone working on that goal. Share the metrics, as well as how far they have to go to close the gap between where they are and where they need to be.

There are clearly-identified RULES that everyone must follow

Do your people know the rules? Is it clear that everyone must follow them? Or are there “favorites” (or exceptions) who don’t have to follow the rules? Fairness in the workplace plays a much more important part in people’s perceptions of an organization and in their engagement with the team than ever before. Addressing issues of fairness in the workplace has become a huge leadership challenge because if team members don’t perceive that the workplace is fair, they will disengage more quickly because, well, “Why bother?” But if leaders pay attention to this factor, become cognizant of (and stop) words and actions that may be perceived as “favoritism” and follow the rules themselves, it will help eliminate the “Us vs. Them” mentality and allow people to relate and engage better. After all, it is much more rewarding to be a team player than to go it alone and constantly feel as though you’re fighting a losing battle.

Clear MILESTONES are set

Prevent team members from becoming de-motivated trying to reach a huge goal all in one shot. No one can jump from A-Z without steps in between, so let them know where the milestones are and how to reach them. This also allows you to encourage and coach them along the way. Milestones offer specific check-points where team members and leaders alike can assess if everyone is on track for success; if not, they can quickly be coached in getting back on track, so no one reaches the end of a project, only to find out that they were off-track for the last 6 months… but no one knew it.

Everyone knows all the PLAYERS

They know who is on their team, who can help them with which goals, and who always shows up to be a true team player. Is it clear who your people can call on when they have questions or problems? Do distribution lists exist – not only with updated/correct contact information, but also which areas of expertise each person possesses, so the right person can be contacted for the right assistance? Don’t let your people flounder around without knowing who to call to quickly assist them in using a tool, figuring out a process or even just answering a simple question about what was meant by a particular instruction or statement. According to 360 solutions, in the average 100-person organization, 17 hours per week are lost simply clarifying communications! How much time, productivity and profit can be accomplished just by enabling people to find answers and clarification more quickly? (Helping communicators be more clear in their oral and written communications is a whole other topic we’ll address in another post!)

Everyone knows the TOOLS available to help them accomplish their jobs

leadership tools, geroux, wowplace

What’s in your toolbox?

And the tools work! Do your tools work as they were designed to work? Do you solicit and receive feedback on their ease of use and performance?

I once worked with a client who told me they were confounded by the fact that their field personnel wouldn’t use a particular tool that had been designed for them. When they finally questioned their administrative staff about why the guys weren’t using the tool, they were told that this tool was too confusing and cumbersome, and the guys hated it! So, they avoided it at all costs. But once the first question was asked, it led to more questions about what was difficult or confusing about the tool – and they were able to redesign it so it worked! So, start asking questions if people aren’t using the tools you create for them.

Additionally, does everyone on your team know about all the tools that exist to help them do their jobs better, quicker and more efficiently? Do they understand what they are designed to do? Do they know how to access them? Do they receive training on using them? Remember, if someone is given initial training on using a tool, but is subsequently required to use it rarely, it is difficult to use it efficiently on those rare occasions when they have to use it. So, provide refresher training (or quick e-mail tips/reminders that a certain tool is available and how to access/use it – a Tip of the Week or “Did you know…” message can work wonders to help people to remember and use those tools).

And finally, there are REWARDS for accomplishing steps all along the way

Not only do team members receive rewards for reaching milestones and large goals, but they also receive rewards for helping each other. Most people feel good helping others, while some are in it more for the reward. Regardless of who is on your team, even the most motivated people appreciate an occasional reward for being a team player. Figure out what you can offer your people for performing simple acts of kindness or helpfulness on your teams. It doesn’t have to be monetary! Sometimes just a few simple things like recognizing them, or giving points that can be collected for time off or early release (or even a work-from-home day) are very welcome and inspire them to do more.

Just think of how much more engaged our people would be if we applied the principles of gamification to their jobs. It’s really not difficult – and actually represents all the things we should be doing anyway. Identifying them in terms of the elements that engage people in games will help you focus on and track the WOW actions that will make a big difference in your workplace and on every team you lead.

Do you have ideas on how to engage your teams? Do you use the principles of gamification in your workplace? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!


Skills Porfolio, online training, career advancement, wowplace, geroux

NEW!  Self-paced online course

Check out Sandy’s new online course, “The Power of Using Your Skills Portfolio,” a self-paced guided course to help you recognize your full value and organize the elements of proof that will help you advance your career! Check it out below!

The Power of Using a Skills Portfolio

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Your Silence is Deafening: How to create INSTANT MAGIC with a few simple words…

communicationAllow me to take you on a brief journey that demonstrates why communication is so important if you want to engage and keep loyal customers and employees.

I’m at the airport, standing in line, waiting for my turn to order a much-needed cup of coffee at 6:10 a.m. I make my way to the counter and greet the cashier with a cheery, “Good morning!”


Thinking she simply didn’t hear me, I repeated, “Good morning.”

A glare from her is my return greeting, while she actually clamps her lips together to show me she is not going to utter one word. Okay, so she obviously heard me; she just doesn’t want to speak to me.

After completing my purchase, I can’t help myself (those of you who know me well are not at all surprised by this!) and comment, “You know, it’s pretty disrespectful to intentionally refuse to speak to someone when they speak to you.”

The manager overhears my comment, asks what the problem is and apologizes for the cashier once I explain what happened. (Flash forward one week: the same cashier is there, behaving the same way to every customer in line, so I buy my morning coffee from a different vendor that day, even though I like the first vendor’s coffee better. However, on my third visit, I notice that she is no longer there… big sigh of relief… and I return to my favorite coffee vendor.)

I know, some of you are rolling your eyes and saying, “How can you be that cheery in the morning?!” Point taken, but if you’re one of those people who doesn’t want to be cheery and greet people in the morning, then please don’t accept a position where it is one of your most important duties to do so.

The point is that a simple word or two would have created INSTANT MAGIC for everyone she dealt with. A greeting of “Good morning” or “How may I help you?” (in fact, almost any words) would have eliminated the impression of rudeness and an uncaring attitude that puts off customers and co-workers alike.

It’s not just “everyone else” who must follow this practice. We must do it ourselves in our everyday lives, as well. For example, just the other day I was standing in front of the self-service counter and drink machines (again at the airport) when I spilled coffee on my coat. While I fumbled with bags, food, and wet napkins, trying to remove the coffee before the stains set, I could feel my fellow travelers getting a little impatient with me for blocking up the area.

I turned and said, “I’m sorry, I just spilled coffee on my coat.” INSTANT MAGIC! My fellow travelers went from slightly annoyed (and getting more so as my silence went on) to instantly understanding and extremely helpful! One offered a WetNap she had in her bag, while another offered me her cup of water, saying it would be more convenient for me to use that (and she was willing to inconvenience herself to go back to the counter and request a new cup).

WOW! A couple of words of explanation was all it took for people to go from annoyed to instantly compassionate and helpful.

The same concepts apply in the workplace when dealing with our team members and colleagues. A few simple words to show we care about others as people, rather than employees who exist solely to work for us, does wonders for their attitude and willingness to go the extra mile for customers, for each other and for us.

Consider the scenario of the golf club staff members who are gathered a short distance from the Manager’s office, planning their morning duties. In the office, the Manager and two other leaders are similarly engaged in planning their day. When the leaders’ meeting ends, all three exit the office and walk right past the staff members – without one word of greeting – as if they didn’t even exist!

The staff members feel disrespected and undervalued by their own leaders. How hard would it be for those leaders to create INSTANT MAGIC by acknowledging them with a “Good morning” or “Thanks for being here right on time – we have a busy day today” or “Good to see you!”? And how inspired will these staff members be to subsequently greet and interact with customers during the day, rather than treating them as if they were simply part of the scenery they needed to walk past on their way to perform their duties?

In one final case, a much beloved Facilities Manager with many locations spread across his facility had no problem engaging his workforce and getting them to go to the wall for him – even the Millennial generation that many Baby Boomers and Gen Xers find difficult to engage. But this Baby Boomer manager talked to them, visited them (even when he didn’t need anything from them) just to say hello and see if they needed anything from him… nice change, huh? Instead of asking for something from them, he asked if he could do anything for them! Because he cared about them (and showed it), they cared about their jobs (and showed it) because that was one way to demonstrate how much they cared about him in return.

When that manager retired, he trained his replacement, telling the new manager what a great group of guys he had, and offering his best piece of advice: visit the different locations once in a while, talk to the guys, get to know them, let them get to know you.

About a year later, he heard from the new manager, who complained bitterly about how he couldn’t get the guys to do anything without repeatedly asking, and even occasionally threatening, because they weren’t doing their jobs.

What? This didn’t sound like his team, so he asked the guys (many of whom still kept in touch with him) what was going on. They told him they never saw or heard from the new manager unless he needed something from them. He hadn’t bothered to try to talk to them or get to know them at all. In fact, their exact words were: “If he doesn’t care about us, why should we care about him?”

BOOM! Same team, same duties… different results. The tragedy is that this new manager could have created INSTANT MAGIC with his team members if he had just taken the time to visit and say a few words to them once in a while to show that he cared about them as people first, and employees second. Instead, his silence was deafening as it sent the subtle message that he wasn’t even going to bother talking to them unless he needed something from them.

The above stories are great lessons because, while we all understand that leaders can’t be “best friends” with their team members, we often forget that there is a big difference between friendship and friendliness. Friendship involves doing things with and for each other, even outside of work, and could be perceived as fostering favoritism inside the workplace. But friendliness simply involves being human and caring about others, regardless of their position, status or relationship with us outside the workplace. When we’re friendly, our humanity dispels the impression of indifference and disrespect inside the workplace.

Remember, every human being on the planet wants to be valued, appreciated and listened to… in other words, respected. And the manner in which employees perform their work reflects not only their work ethic but their leader’s attitude, caring and respect for them.

A few simple words of greeting, acknowledgement, or explanation are usually all it takes to create the INSTANT MAGIC that stops the internal, one-way (often negative), dialogue going on in someone’s head and change it to a positive, two-way, conversation that includes you.

The big lessons here?

  1. Customers will go out of their way to avoid even their favorite vendors if they don’t want to deal with a rude or uncommunicative team member on the front line. (The same applies to team members, who will refuse to offer helpful ideas and suggestions in order to avoid dealing with even one rude, disengaged and/or passive-aggressive co-worker or leader.)
  2. It is imperative to put the right people in the right positions in order to capitalize on their best abilities and serve everyone at the highest level.
  3. Proper training is vital if you want everyone to appropriately represent you and your brand. Set expectations up front and offer feedback regularly (not just once a year at performance review time) to let them know how they’re doing.
  4. If you don’t “walk your talk” and serve as a positive role model by keeping your own lines of communication open, people will not know you’re human and care about them as fellow human beings, and they’ll stop caring about you in return.

Keeping these lessons in mind will not only allow you to create INSTANT MAGIC for everyone you encounter, but it will inspire and show them the way to do the same for everyone they encounter, which has the power to change the course of our businesses, our personal lives and the entire world, a few respectful “human” words or phrases at a time.

Posted in Communication, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Is a Lack of Proactive Thinking Hurting Your Business?

A man calls a golf course to add one more player to a foursome scheduled for 8:12 a.m., asking if he can just add a 5th to the group, or does he need to break them up into two groups.

The team member who answered the phone simply replied, “You can’t do it. You can’t have five in the group and we don’t have another tee time.”

The caller said, “I just looked online and it looks like you have tee times available… I see one at 8:40, and more after that. Can we have one of those?”

“Oh, well, if you don’t mind scheduling the second group later, we can accommodate that. I thought you wanted the tee times back-to-back.”

Wow… if the caller hadn’t looked online, or been bold enough to ask the second question, this golf club would have lost the opportunity to add a paying customer (and possibly the entire fivesome) on that day – and who knows how many other days, if they gave these players a chance to find a different course they may have ended up liking better.

Now multiply that scenario by however many times during a day, week, month or year that scenario, and others, are happening, and you can see how much income is being turned away at the door… not to mention how much will be lost in potential repeat and referral business.

Bad assumptions, lack of foresight, laziness and a whole host of other largely solvable issues are costing our companies millions of dollars. But they can be easily overcome with a few proactive actions on the part of leaders who instill the habit of thinking proactively on the part of their team members.

Here’s a simple process that can help (let’s use the scenario above in the example):

  1. Record every “NO”: Ask your team members to have a pen and paper handy wherever they work. Every time they have to say “no” to a customer, have them write down what happened (it doesn’t have to be a book… just a brief synopsis will do the trick). The synopsis in this case would be: “Caller asked to add 5th player to foursome; no tee time available.” I know, your head is probably exploding right now because there were tee times available later, but this is what happened in the mind of this team member, so this is probably what he would write.)
  2. Record possible solutions: If the scenario represents something the team member couldn’t do because of a policy or procedural issue, have them write a suggestion or two that they think might help solve the situation in the future. (You will probably get people to record these types of scenarios, because they don’t represent a mistake they would have to admit to making, but helping them identify any opportunity to improve is beneficial.)
  3. Record every “YES” that took extra effort to fulfill: Team members often do things that help create loyal customers, without leaders ever knowing they did them. Let your team members celebrate their successes, too. Sharing these actions gives other team members new ideas for proactively creating WOW customer service.
  4. Schedule a Weekly Huddle to discuss what was recorded: Have your team members bring their scenarios to the Huddle to discuss Customer Service experiences and expectations; 20-30 minutes should do it. Make it SAFE for them to report “NO” scenarios – no one will record them if they are berated for not handling something correctly. Thank them for bringing it up, so it could be brainstormed and shared as a proactive learning point for everyone on the team. Be sure to thank them for great ideas and “YES” scenarios!
  5. For each NO, ask the next logical question(s): Discuss each scenario, looking at the issue as described – and then ask the logical questions that would follow that scenario. The next logical question from the above scenario (after hearing that there were NO tee times available… period) would be: “Really? We were completely booked up all day/morning? There were NO tee times available at all?” The team member would need to truthfully reply, “Well, there were tee times later on – just not back-to-back.” The next logical question would be: “And he didn’t want a later tee time?” Answer: “Well, I didn’t think to ask him that. I assumed he wanted them back-to-back.” (By the way, this process can also be done for each YES, to create repeatable successes.)
  6. Debrief each scenario and create a teaching point for similar interactions in the future: “What can we learn from this situation?” 1) We should never assume; 2) We should investigate other reasonable options (such as an alternate/later tee time for part of the group); 3) We should present our customer with those options and let them decide before answering “No” for them. Only after all reasonable (and, depending on the situation and the upside potential for future business, possibly some unreasonable) options have been exhausted should we ever let a customer go away unsatisfied.
  7. Reward team members for bringing scenarios to the meeting: You could thank them instantly and create a friendly competition; for example, the one with the most scenarios/suggestions in a designated period of time gets a gift/award/recognition.

Proactive and critical thinking are often just a matter of instilling the habit of thinking to the next step or two… and asking clarifying questions. It’s not hard to do – it’s hard to REMEMBER to do. But instituting a process of continual improvement depends on people noticing and remembering to bring to the table actions that could create those improvements.

So, begin instilling the habit of thinking ahead in your team members. Not only will you find ways to serve customers (and team members) at a much higher level, but you will also cause them to begin thinking ahead on their own.

In fact, the very act of writing the synopsis may cause a team member to think of the scenario in a different light. For example, when the team member above wrote, “No tee times available,” it may have caused him to stop and think – “Is that true?” Of course it wasn’t true, and he would have had an ah-ha moment that he had just assumed the caller wanted back-to-back times. In this age of Caller ID, it could have been easy for the team member to contact the caller and ask, “Did you want back-to-back times – or would you be OK with a later tee time for the second group?”

This may have salvaged the sale, help the team member immediately learn from the experience, and enable him to feel good about what he did… allowing him to bring a YES to the Huddle, rather than a NO.

And that’s what I call a WIN-WIN-WIN situation!


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Leadership Structure: Hierarchical or Flat? Don’t Go Overboard Either Way

Back in the 1970s, a new concept called “flattening the organization” was introduced, which eliminates much organizational hierarchy and helps people at all levels collaborate and contribute on projects. It came about as a result of excessive levels of management that often got in the way of employee contribution and innovation.

While great in theory, this concept flounders in execution if taken to extremes:

  • Projects suffer and stall because no one has overall responsibility or authority for making decisions.
  • Without a point person to oversee and monitor the overall vision, no one has a bird’s-eye view of exactly how all tasks and sub-tasks fit together. This makes it almost impossible to identify the correct tasks, sequencing and timing.
  • Team members are continually demotivated by meeting after meeting where the same issues are re-hashed without sufficient progress (a.k.a. decision-making) to move the project forward or offer a sense of accomplishment and pride.
  • The company suffers as projects are continually late, over budget or completed incorrectly, due to a lack of sufficient accountability at every step; no one is accountable until the end, when everyone fails – and then begins pointing fingers.

As a result, many leaders have come to dislike the concept. But before tossing it out completely, consider the benefits a modified approach could provide for the organization and its members. The ability to allow lower level team members to collaborate and contribute on a larger scale, and helping them recognize a connection between their activities and the achievement of company goals are just two of those benefits.

The biggest issue is that solving problems by implementing extreme solutions often creates new problems… just because the solution is extreme. While there are exceptions where extreme measures are necessary, these are usually needed for a limited time only, to try to reverse a damaging situation or trend, or reach a very short-term critical goal.

In most cases, or once a critical situation is stabilized, more moderate measures should be used to drive the organization forward and engage all team members at a very high level.

This involves a combination of the best elements of both hierarchical and flat organizational structures, where leaders keep in mind that:

  1. Someone needs to step forward and take control of individual projects, maintaining the overall vision, budget, monitoring and assignment of tasks and duties.
  2. Leaders should ask for help from different individuals who are willing to step forward and take the lead on various projects. Constantly putting all responsibility on the same action-oriented go-getter may get several projects done, but burnout and resentment are likely and you risk losing that highly valuable employee. It also gives the impression of favoritism, as if that person is the only one you can trust to get things done.  When people feel they are not trusted (or valued), they stop trying to be trustworthy or valuable.
  3. If you aren’t sure of a person’s abilities, don’t assign them to lead a critical project, but do start involving them on more responsible elements of other projects. This will give you an ability to see what they’ve got while giving them an opportunity to spread their wings and start contributing on a higher level.

People want to be involved; they also want to know that what they do matters. The more we can help everyone understand how their role fits into the success of the organization, the more engaged and accountable they will be.

Companies often struggle with trying to reward their employees. But, outside of their monetary compensation and some occasional words of recognition and praise, giving them the opportunity to learn, grow and advance their careers is often the best reward leaders can give.

So, flatten your organization enough to get people at all levels involved and engaged in the success of the organization – just don’t flatten it so much that you strip everyone of any ability to get things done.

Posted in Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Leave a comment

Employee Engagement Is More About Leaders Than Employees

Much of employee engagement depends upon leadership engagement; it’s a two-way street. In fact, it may be even more of a one-way street from leaders to team members than the other way around.

So often when I talk to leaders about employee engagement, the strong temptation is to place the responsibility (and blame, if you will) on the employees when they don’t engage and do what leaders ask… or don’t do in the way leaders ask for it… or in the timeframe in which they request it. Leaders usually discuss the ever-present question of, “Why don’t they do what they’re supposed to do?” In fact, I’m often hired to motivate a team to engage and perform together as a cohesive unit, which is great because everyone needs education, inspiration and motivation on a regular basis.

But educating and motivating the team is only one piece of the equation. Leaders cannot go about business as usual, as if all responsibility rests on the team. Leaders must also engage because one-time motivation from an outside person will not cut it. I love it when I hear a leader ask, “What do I need to do differently to get them excited about doing what I need them to do?” (OK… maybe not excited, but at least committed and taking ownership for their responsibilities and duties.) This shows me that the leader is committed to engaging just as much as they expect their team members to do, and they’re willing to learn how to do it consistently to create a culture of engagement – rather than a one-time “motivational” event that makes things worse once it’s over and team members realize that there is no change (or ownership) on the part of their leaders.

I was talking to a leader last week who was sharing with me some great insights into his leadership style and why his people loved working with him so much, when suddenly he dropped the motherlode of insights with one quick little story that says it all! Here is what he shared.

He retired a couple of years ago from a company where he had worked for over 30 years. He was a Manager in the Maintenance Department, so his people were in charge of fixing anything and everything that needed attention on the property… a HUGE property. Light bulbs, fans, doors, windows, outdoor equipment… everything.

While he was leading the team, he would go out to the various locations on the property, talk to his people, say hello whenever he saw them individually or in a group, sometimes joke around with them. In other words, he built relationships with them because he showed them that he cared about them as people. Any time he needed anything, his people did everything in their power to not only do it, but do it immediately and do it exceptionally well. They all exhibited extreme pride in their work and in everyone on the team.

As he was preparing to retire, he was asked to train his replacement, which he gladly did. He told the new manager all about the job, but then passed along the best piece of advice he could offer: get to know your people; visit them at the different locations, learn who they are, go out there sometimes JUST to say hello. In other words, “don’t be a stranger.”

He retired, confident in the knowledge that he had done his best to train the new person and was leaving his team in good hands.

About a year later, he began hearing troubling reports. From the manager, he heard that when he requested something of the team, they didn’t always do it right away, but took their sweet time getting around to it. He’d have to go and hound them sometimes to get things done.

From the team members (some of whom had kept in touch with him from time to time, due to the relationships he had built while he was there), he heard, “Well, we never hear from him unless he needs something. He doesn’t care about us, so why should we care about him?”

And there it is: This is the same team, comprised of the same team members, that had gone to the wall for the previous leader (so you cannot make the argument that their work ethic was faulty or missing, as is so often suggested when a team doesn’t perform), but was now demonstrating a seemingly “faulty” work ethic under the new leadership.

Was their work ethic faulty? Absolutely not. The ONLY difference was the style of the new leader, who treated them as just another number… or possibly as a piece of the equipment they were supposed to maintain – only giving them attention when he needed something from them.

Humans rarely react positively to the feeling that you only care about what they can do for you on an as-needed basis… rather than building a two-way relationship with them that inspires them every day to care about whatever might come your way. The same team that responds positively to a mutually engaged leader will disengage just as quickly when that same leader (or any other) disengages from them as human beings and tries to engage them merely as “just another worker.”

But when we let them know we care about them as people, show them that we are there for them (physically, emotionally and in job-related ways), and just be present for them, they will go to the wall for us.

That is engaged leadership… and it inspires engaged followership.

Posted in Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid! | Leave a comment

Adjusting Your Leadership Behaviors? Go Slow… Be Subtle

If you want to adjust your leadership style and connect better with your team, take a lesson from this executive’s experience and:

  • Go slowly if you want to change some of your behaviors
  • Be subtle and specific when offering praise, especially if you don’t usually (or ever) do it; don’t go overboard
  • And always be authentic, whether speaking one-on-one or in public

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Posted in Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid! | Leave a comment

Engaging Your People – Part 3 of 6

In the previous article of this series, we talked about how to make the WOWplace respectful. This week’s topic focuses on Rule #3: a WOWplace is HUMAN… not HUMANOID.


What I mean by this is that we all have feelings that seek to be satisfied. We want to laugh, cry, feel. We do not want to (nor can we) check our emotions at the door to the workplace.

Therefore, those who say there is no room for emotion in the workplace are just fooling themselves. There already IS emotion in the workplace. Too bad much of it is negative. So, if we are forced by human nature to make room for negative emotion, we must choose to balance it off by making room for positive emotion, as well.

Just think of the “humanoid” characters in any of Star Trek or Star Wars series:

  • Mr. Spock, half human/half Vulcan (Vulcans have had all human emotion “trained” out of them);
  • Data, an android incapable of feeling or displaying human emotions;
  • C3PO, R2D2 and BB-8 from the Star Wars movies, who are all cute and do seem to have personalities, but lack true human emotions.

While it may be cool to dream about working with any of them on a starship light years into the future, the fact is that today – here and now – we are all human at heart… at our core. And we all have emotions that accompany us everywhere we go – even to the workplace.

Therefore, human compassion and empathy are key factors in a leader’s effectiveness because they allow us to recognize that we are all human, and all dealing with something at any given point in time. How we react to the all-too-human situations that others are experiencing can mean the difference between success and failure when asking for their help, support or even simply their engagement at work, in return.

The following story illustrates our ability (and human obligation) to allow empathy and compassion for others to guide our actions – and their reactions.

My husband has a friend named Joe, a burly, 6’5″ guy with a shock of white hair on his head and a completely infectious laugh that can be heard from one end of a room to the other. Joe absolutely loves life and people – and it shows!

Joe told us of a time when he was a debt collector. I know, that sounds like a contradiction in terms because how many debt collectors do you know who absolutely love life? But I believe Joe was the perfect person to tackle this challenging job.

He told us of a couple who had gotten so far behind on their stove payments that Joe had to repossess the stove. But when he arrived at the couple’s home, the wife was cooking dinner on the stove and it wasn’t done yet.

Any “humanoid”” would have asked, “That’s my problem – why? Oh no, it’s not!” and they would have taken the stove anyway. But not Joe, who had gotten to know and like this couple. Better yet, they had gotten to know and like him.

So, the wife suggested, “Let me finish cooking dinner. Then, please join us for dinner and afterward, you can take the stove. Will that work?” So Joe stayed for dinner!

How many debt collectors do you know who would get invited to dinner at someone’s home, especially when they’re trying to take their personal possessions away? Not many! But not many debt collectors are human enough to get an invitation to dinner, as Joe did.

Joe proves beautifully that you can be human and still get your job done.

How can we apply this in our workplaces?

  1. Start by being more observant. You can’t be human, empathetic and compassionate to anyone if you don’t notice the least little thing that’s wrong – or even just different – about them! Pay attention to their moods, smiles, frowns. Notice when something is different and ask about it. (Or, you can ask your assistant about it – they are usually in the know about everything! They can help you stay in tune with what’s happening with your people.)
  2. Say something right away. Whether you notice someone doing a great job or want to thank them for their help, don’t just PLAN to tell them how much you appreciate them at a later time. Later never comes! Do it immediately, before you get interrupted, forget or just get too busy and never get back to them.
  3. Make what you say meaningful. Studies show that peer reinforcement and praise are often more meaningful than praise from a leader. But this is usually because praise from peers is specific, while praise from a leader is pretty generic. It is obvious when a leader has been told simply that someone did “something good” (who knows what? and who cares?), and they should praise the associate for their “good work.” Thus, it feels like mere lip service, rather than authentic praise. But if a high level leader gets specific about what the person did, how well they did it and the positive effect it had on the organization or their team, the value of that praise rises tremendously because it is genuine! And the higher the level of the leader, the more meaningful that kind of praise becomes because it is so unusual for someone at a much higher level to actually know what their people at all levels are actually doing.
  4. Put your actions (not necessarily your money) where your mouth is. Many small gifts of appreciation cost absolutely nothing to give… or their cost is minimal. A verbal thank you or a hand-written thank you note cost nothing to give, but can have a tremendous emotional effect on someone who continues to serve every day in a (seemingly) thankless job.
  5. Put a tiny amount of money, coupled with action, where your mouth is. A chocolate bar, or a small plant or flower arrangement costs almost nothing, but has the same emotional effect as a thank you note, but amped up by the extra action it took on your part to get it for them. This is especially true if you know the person well enough to know what would really mean something to them. Don’t just give the same generic gift to everyone… find out their favorite chocolate, flower, plant – or even store… and buy something they would truly love.

When a leader is more human in the workplace, engagement, satisfaction and trust/ respect rise proportionately to the level of humanity displayed by that leader. So, truly be a human in the workplace, rather than simply a “humanoid” who looks human, but lacks the emotional aspect of humanity, empathy and compassion for all the other humans around you.

The more human you are, the more your team will connect with, respect and LOVE you for it.

In the next article of this series, we’ll take a look at Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative and Fun!

Have a great week!


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