The Bishop

A church was celebrating its 100th Anniversary, and several former pastors and the bishop were in attedance. At one point the minister had gathered the children at the altar for a talk about the importance of the day. He began by asking, “Does anyone know what the bishop does?” There was silence. Finally, one little boy answered gravely, “He’s the one you can move diagonally!”

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Children’s Inheritances


Great quote by Warren Buffet:

Leave your children enough to do anything… but not enough to do nothing.

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Spoil Your Spouse

Great quote on raising responsible children who contribute to their families and society:

Spoil your spouse, not your children (Unknown author)

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Are You Listening?

employee appreciation

Use formal and informal rewards

A recent article in Success Magazine, in which Magic Johnson was interviewed, touched upon a very interesting concept: Are you listening to your customers? For our discussion, “customers” could be external customers who buy your company’s products and services, or it could be internal customers (your co-workers and colleagues) who need something from you at one time or another.

Magic Johnson said that one of the biggest mistakes he ever made was to open a retail store, stock the shelves with all kinds of items he would want to buy, but not necessarily what his potential customers would be interested in buying. Consequently, much of the merchandise he originally purchased was still hanging on the racks when the store closed just one year later. He realized too late that he had never asked a single customer what they’d be interested in buying.

So, ask yourself: what are you offering to your customers and co-workers? Are you offering items they’d be interested in buying? Is your focus on them, where it should be – or are you assuming you know what they really want and need?

Outside of material things, and especially in relation to our co-workers and employees, what do we all really want and need?  The top three things are:

  1. To be valued: Are you showing others that you value their opinions, advice and feedback by including them in as many major decisions as possible, thereby gaining greater buy-in for the things you want and need to accomplish?
  2. To be appreciated: Do you regularly show your appreciation for their efforts, either verbally, in writing or in other terms (monetary and otherwise)? This doesn’t mean just once a year on performance reviews or at annual meetings, but all throughout the year in formal and informal ways?
  3. To be listened to: Do you let them know that you’ve heard what they have to say – and have at least considered it, even if you can’t act on it?  Do you let them know if and when their “suggestions” are acted upon, and the reasoning behind action (or non-action) on your part? Or do their suggestions go down a “black hole”, never to resurface, causing them to feel that it’s pointless to even try to help create a WOW?

One great example of using formal and informal reward systems is one I heard years ago at one of my speaking engagements:  Whenever someone in this organization did something really great that was observed by another employee, the observer would get a piece of paper, trace his or her hand on it, address it to the other employee, including the date, what they saw that they really appreciated and was a WOW, sign it and then give the other employee the paper, providing them with a “pat on the back.”  WOW!  What an easy, quick and effective way to let others know they are appreciated and are making a difference!

How do you show others (instantly) that they are noticed, appreciated and valued? I’d love to hear your stories of creating WOW impact on your co-workers, customers, even family members with small acts of appreciation!

Posted in Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun!, Rule #5: A WOWplace is Rewarding | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

1-2-3′s: The Basic Principle

The 1-2-3’s of Doing More Than Appease is a principle based on three questions we must ask ourselves when any opportunity to serve arises:

  1. What can I do now? (This is what most of us perform whenever an opportunity to serve arises. It’s the bare minimum that must be done in order to “right a wrong”, even if not done in a WOW manner, usually just to appease a customer.)
  2. What else can I do now? (This is the question that most of us don’t ask; most of us ask and answer question #1 and consider our job done. But we will never create a WOW if we just do the bare minimum… we must go over and above and ask this question.)
  3. What else can I do later – or for later? (This is the step that requires proactive thinking and action on behalf of another person… and is really where WOW’s are created.)

View this short video for a brief explanation and a great example of the 1-2-3’s in action!

Posted in 1-2-3's of Doing More Than Appease, Customer Service, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Proactive thinking – and action – save time and create WOW’s!

save time

Proactive thinking saves time

I recently called a friend and colleague to ask a question about a mutual client company. She wasn’t available, so I asked her assistant to pass along my question and ask her to call me when she got a chance. When she returned my call later that evening (and missed me), she left a message saying, “Sorry I missed your call. I understand you have a question about [the company]. Give me a call and let me know how I can help.”

Apparently, her assistant had given her the message that I had called, as well as my phone number and the fact that I had a question, but not the actual question. Why not? If she had done so, my friend could have called me back AND left me a very easy and quick answer. Instead, the assistant had passed along only the most basic message, resulting in further telephone tag, lost time and energy to try to connect.

Proactive thinking and following “The 1-2-3’s of Doing More Than Appease,” could have created a WOW for all of us here, as follows:

  1. What can I do now? This first step, the basic minimum, was done: she took the message and correctly passed along my name, phone number and the nature of the call (I had a question)… but nothing more.
  2. What else can I do now? To do this step, the assistant would have included my actual question in the message, allowing her boss to call me and answer the question at the same time, saving time and frustration for both of us.
  3. What else can I do later – or for later? To really create a WOW, she could have asked her boss the question when they next spoke, gotten the answer and then called me back herself – making my wait time much shorter, and sparing her boss the necessity of making the call herself.

How valuable would this type of thinking be to Client Managers, Sales Managers and executives who deal directly with customers if their assistants helped create a WOW with customers, stockholders or other partners by performing this type of proactive action? How much time might we save ourselves and others if we begin to think more proactively about how we can do so, with very little time and effort expended on our part?

Proactive thinking and action on behalf of another is truly where WOW’s are created. Polish your critical thinking and proactive thinking skills – think it through, play it out in your mind. Ask yourself, “How can I make this easier, quicker, better for everyone involved?”

Practice this principle on a consistent basis… and watch the WOW’s roll in!

Do you have a great short story about how proactive thinking helped create a WOW?  Please share it!

Posted in 1-2-3's of Doing More Than Appease, Communication, Customer Service, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun!, Time & Stress Management | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Welcome to!

This blog is for anyone who wants to turn their workplace into a WOWplace. Below is my definition of each:

Workplace:  a place where employees HAVE to go because they make a paycheck
WOWplace:  a place where people LOVE to go because they make a difference

Whether you’re a manager or supervisor who wants to find ways to keep your employees more engaged and excited about helping the company succeed, or you’re an employee who wants to create a place where everyone knows they matter, and they make a difference to customers, co-workers and management, this blog is for you.

Through this blog, we can inspire and help each other create WOW’s every day through higher levels of integrity, values, respect, courtesy, innovation, service – and fun!  Please visit often… post your questions, share your ideas and help us all turn our workplace into a WOWplace!

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