50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #32: Do a Role Reversal

Tip #32: Do a Role Reversal

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Make or bring coffee, tea (or something else) to someone who usually brings it to you.

It’s a huge WOW when the tables are turned!

Performing a task for someone who usually has to provide it for you lets that person know you appreciate them and care enough to demonstrate it through this simple act.

The shock factor that exists in the humility and thoughtfulness of this action is a very nice surprise and a huge WOW!


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for reversing roles with someone and doing something nice (and completely unexpected) for them.


Posted in Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid!, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #31: “I’ll Take Care of That for You!”

Tip #31: “I’ll take care of that for you!”

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service  50 Ways to WOW

Offer to run an errand or do a chore for someone else.

Give them the gift of “time!”

How often do we all get tired of seemingly having to take care of everything ourselves? What if someone took care of one or two things for us once in a while?

Think of what you can do for someone else to free them up when they’re overwhelmed or stressed out… or just do something for them that they really don’t like to do? Gas up their car? Go to the store? Pick up an item elsewhere? Cook a meal for them?

Can you perform that chore for them on one day? If it’s a continual chore, can you get a group of people together and ask a different person to volunteer to do it each day for a week? This will give the recipient an entire week’s break from that chore?

That’s a nice way to create a big WOW for someone!


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for running and errand or doing a chore for someone.


Posted in Communication, Customer Service, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #30: Wrap Up a Little Tchotchke Every Day for a Week and Leave it on a Co-Worker’s Desk

Tip #30: Wrap up a little tchotchke every day for a week and leave it on a co-worker’s desk.

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service50 Ways to WOW

Inexpensive, fun, cute little items are great to receive – even more fun on consecutive days.

Candles, stuffed toys, candies and mints are all great items.

Be careful not to show “favoritism,” especially if you’re in a leadership position. But any kind of inexpensive but fun item can add enjoyment to someone’s day.

A series of items keeps the fun going all week! The anticipation builds each day as the person comes in and checks their desk to see what fun item is there that day. This creates a bit of excitement about coming to the office – an activity that doesn’t usually produce that effect.

You can wrap gifts individually, or here’s an idea: put them in little numbered train cars and add a car containing a gift each day! Or put an empty egg carton (cut it for just 6 eggs) on someone’s desk with a gift in one egg placeholder… and a note that says, “Leave this carton on your desk for another surprise tomorrow! Fill the placeholders each day until completed.

On the last day, include a little note to let them know it won’t continue forever (“Hope you had a fun week of surprises!”), so you don’t set an expectation that could result in disappointment the following day.


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for creating a WOW every day for an entire week.


Posted in Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun!, Rule #5: A WOWplace is Rewarding | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #29: Send Co-Workers a Daily, Weekly or Monthly Inspiring Message

Tip #29: Send co-workers a daily, weekly or monthly inspiring message

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Short quotes, photos, videos and other inspiring items sent via e-mail are usually welcome.

Don’t make them too long or people won’t read/view them.

Also, be careful not to send religious, political or other “controversial” humor that some find funny, while others find offensive. This is not a forum to share your personal “agenda” – but a method with which to inspire and uplift everyone.

A quick hit on a regular basis helps people appreciate your commitment to sharing inspiration and/or fun wherever you go.

People often comment on how many things I find. Well, I’m grateful that many people share things with me! Then I pick the best and share them with others.

Great sources include: Mel’s Videos (daily), YouTube, Quotes.com/Quotations.com and other sites.


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for inspiring your co-workers.


Posted in Communication, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid! | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #28: Create Funny Stuff

Tip #28: Create funny stuff

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Make light of a situation to prevent it from becoming too “heavy.”

Use public humor – rather than public scolding or accusation – to make a point.

At my sister’s workplace, one department started losing pencils by the boatload! They didn’t know who was taking them, but every time someone in that department went to get a pencil, there were none to be found.

Rather than issuing a stern notice accusing people and warning everyone to stop “stealing” pencils from the department, a very creative member of their department had the idea, the talent and the knowledge to produce a funny e-mail that featured this image!

Be sure to notice the picture of how the pencils looked when they were taken, and an “FBI age-enhanced” photo of what they might look like today! You even have a number to contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Office Supplies: 1-800-YOU-CAN’T-BE-SERIOUS??

You never know who may have this same talent if you only look for ways to utilize it and make light of a potentially serious situation. By the way, the pencils stopped disappearing after this e-mail was distributed!


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for creating funny stuff that can make light of a tense situation.


Posted in Humor Eases All!, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #27: Share Funny Stuff

Tip #27: Share funny stuff

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Boost spirits by sending people (tasteful) greeting cards, cartoons, gifts – anything comical.

If it’s personally relevant, it’s even better!

There are so many things on the Internet, on TV (Jeff Foxworthy’s “You might be a redneck if…” humor is hysterical!). Gag glasses, funny hats, red noses, all bring a smile to someone’s face and a chuckle to their hearts.

But personal and specific funny stuff is priceless!

For example, when I worked in Boston, a close friend and I often went to lunch together and we’d also often find ourselves shopping at that time. It seemed that every time my friend went shopping for clothes, she found nothing – but I found something I loved… and bought it!

When her birthday came around, I found a birthday card that tied perfectly to this running joke. On the front cover it said, “I went shopping for your birthday today.” When you opened it up, it said, “Do you like my new dress?”

Hysterical – and perfect for us. Keep your eyes open – these types of things are EVERYWHERE!!


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for sharing funny stuff with others – especially if it’s personal and specific.


Posted in Humor Eases All!, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #26: Be Humble

Tip #26: Be humble

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Humility is a highly-prized quality in many cultures—for good reason.

WOW leaders don’t demand respect… they command it!

No one appreciates arrogance, especially in a leader. It’s a true WOW for a high-level leader to remain humble.

One striking example will remain with me forever. While visiting Japan, my husband and I had the privilege to visit with the high priest of the second-oldest temple in Japan. In Japanese society, a certain level of respect is given to those in high societal positions, so there are not many people to whom this man must show respect… the respect is to be shown to him.

However, as we observed him throughout the day during our visit, we were WOWed by his show of respect for everyone around him, regardless of their position – even though he didn’t have to do it.

By remaining humble and showing respect to others, this man garnered more true respect than he ever could have received simply due to his title.

So remember: title alone does not warrant true respect; humility and a true show of respect to others do.


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for showing humility and respect, even when you don’t have to.


Posted in Communication, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid! | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #25: Do the “Impossible”

Tip #25: Do the “impossible”

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Do something everyone said couldn’t be done.

Learning the difference between difficult and truly impossible, then doing the difficult, creates big WOWs!

Obviously we can’t do the literally impossible. But what people say is impossible, is often really not.

My husband and I have brought our cars to Universal Auto Body in Orlando on a couple of different occasions. This place is incredible! Clean, neat, beautiful lobby… but the biggest surprise was when we commented on its cleanliness and beauty in the customer areas and were offered a tour of the body shop.

This did not sound like a glamorous tour, but we didn’t want to hurt the receptionist’s feelings, so we agreed. It was a huge WOW! The floors were gleaming clean: no dust, dirt, grease, smells. It was nothing like any body shop we had ever seen in the past!

Before we went there, we’d have thought this was impossible. But the owners of that shop apparently disagreed, reminding us of this critical mindset:

The “impossible” is only impossible until someone comes along and says that it isn’t!


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for doing something everyone else thought was “impossible” at one time.


Posted in Customer Service, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #24: Do the Right Thing, Even if You Think it Doesn’t Matter

Tip #24: Do the right thing even if you think it doesn’t matter…

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

It always matters!

I’ve encountered several people who join different groups and boards, but can’t seem to keep the promises they make there.

Sometimes they just say “yes” too often and overload their schedules; however, it’s often due instead to their contention that because they’re doing these duties for free (it’s not their real job… it’s just for that group or volunteer board), it’s OK not to keep their promises when they get too busy to complete everything they’ve promised.

But it is important to do the right thing, even when we think it doesn’t matter. In fact, let me ask you this: If the only place I ever see you is on those volunteer committees and you don’t do the right thing there – because you think it doesn’t matter – how do I know that you will (or even CAN) do the right thing when it does matter?

It always matters!

If we don’t do the right thing when it “doesn’t matter,” how will people know we will – or even can – do the right thing when it does matter?


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for doing the right thing, even if we don’t have time, resources, money, etc. to do so – how do we find a way?


Posted in Fun Life Observations/Motivation, Fun Work Observations, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #23: Walk Your Talk

Tip #23: Walk your talk

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

When you profess something, follow through.

It’s sad that this even has to be on the list, but so many people don’t walk their talk nowadays that it’s a real WOW when you find someone who actually does.

One area where this is crucial is in leads groups. If we want to get leads, we must keep our promises of follow-up.

For example, I have joined several leads groups in my community. At one meeting, an attorney got up with a great elevator speech: “I know many people have a problem with getting attorneys to call them back. Well, if you need an attorney, call me. I’ll call you back!”

WOW! He knew what one of the big problems in his industry was and vowed to be different! So, when one of my clients did need an attorney, I called him to make the introduction.

Guess what… he NEVER called me back! OW!!


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for building credibility and trust by walking your talk.


Posted in Communication, Fun Life Observations/Motivation, Fun Work Observations, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment