50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #22: Start a FUN Committee at Your Office

Tip #22: Start a FUN Committee at your office

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Plan regular fun – and funny – activities that everyone can join.

Focus on activities that will build teamwork and camaraderie.

Don’t just hope that fun will occur in the workplace. You must make plans to ensure that associates enjoy team-building activities and camaraderie while there.

Some examples of fun activities include:

  • funny photo contests (who has the funniest photo)
  • name that baby contests (guess whose baby pictures they are)
  • get-together lunches, breakfasts and dinners
  • bowling and softball teams
  • holiday-based events.

Just think of small and large fun things you can do as a group to keep a focus on fun and team spirit…

… and then DO them!


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for planning and holding fun activities at your office.


Posted in Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun! | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #21: Listen Now, Act Later

Tip #21: Listen now, act later

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Make note of something someone wants and give it to them when they least expect it.

The WOW is not only that you listened to them, but that you remembered it later and did something about it!

It’s a nice enough gift when they receive something at the time that they mention it, but the real WOW for this idea is in the fact that you listened, then remembered – and then did something about it… later!


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for paying attention to people and acting on WOW ideas at a later time.


Posted in Communication, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #20: Show People You Appreciate Their Job Performance

Tip #20: Show People You Appreciate Their Job Performance

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Have a gift sent to someone who’s a stellar performer.

Don’t forget to show your appreciation all the time—not just once a year at performance review time!

Do it formally and informally, and at expected and unexpected times. I don’t mean just once a year at performance review time. Have a gift (maybe flowers, chocolates, cookies, anything) sent to someone who has made a customer feel great or has successfully handled a difficult problem.

If you find that someone is having a great day, have a gift sent to them that day! Again, arrange for the gift to be on their desk when they get back or get it yourself and place it there.

Sometimes all you have to do is TELL someone what a great job they’re doing. Words of praise can be the nicest surprise gift to receive because we often don’t get them. Let them know their great job performance is ALWAYS appreciated.

It’s just like at home – you know your spouse loves you, but it sure is nice to hear it once in a while!


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for showing you appreciate people’s commitment to stellar job performance.


Posted in Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #5: A WOWplace is Rewarding | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #19: Show you care about people’s feelings – not just their job performance

Tip #19: Show you care about people’s feelings – not just their job performance

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Have a gift sent to someone who’s having a tough day.

Have the gift sent that day… or bring it back with you from lunch and put it on their desk.

Have a small, thoughtful gift (maybe flowers, chocolates or cookies) sent to someone who’s having a tough day. Have the gift sent that day!

In lieu of having it delivered to them, you could get it yourself. When they go out to lunch, arrange for the gift to be on their desk when they get back. Go to the florist or grocery store and buy just one carnation or a small fruit basket and put it on their desk.

Just doing something to show them that someone cares about their feelings – and not just their job performance – will create a WOW for them when they really need one.


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for showing you care about other people’s feelings.


Posted in Communication, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid! | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #18: Give it Back Better Than Ever

Tip #18: Give it Back Better Than Ever

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Return a borrowed item in as good—if not better—condition than when you borrowed it.

Be sure to return all items in better condition than when you borrowed them.

My husband is a real neatnick – to the nth degree! But any time he asks anyone if he can borrow anything, he gets it because they know that a) they’ll get it back… at all, and b) it will be in just as good condition – if not better – as it was in when they lent it to him.

We’ve all lent items out, only to NEVER get them back or get them back broken, with pieces missing or dirty… or the car is out of gas.

Who wants that? Don’t do this to people – and that alone will WOW them!


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for giving something back in better condition than you received it.


Posted in Fun Life Observations/Motivation, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #17: Send a Hand-Written Thank You (or Other) Note of Appreciation

Tip #17: Write a hand-written thank you (or other) note of appreciation

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

No one hand-writes notes any more… be different!

The extra time, effort and cost of sending a hand-written note rather than an e-mail is a real WOW.

Everyone sends e-mails (if they send anything at all).

No one takes the time and effort (and cost of note paper, envelopes, stamps… which is a financial commitment in and of itself, isn’t it?)

So, hand-write some thank you notes and WOW others with the extra effort you put into them.


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for personalizing the way you say thank you.


Posted in Communication, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful, Rule #5: A WOWplace is Rewarding | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Wys to WOW Your Others – Tip #16: Say Something Immediately

Tip #16: Say Something Immediately

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Don’t wait until later… “later” never comes!

Don’t let the opportunity go by.

We’ve all done it many times, I’m sure. We see or hear of someone doing something really good, and say to ourselves, “I ought to tell her how nice I thought that was,” or “I should let him know how much that meant to me.” But we’re too busy at that moment, then we forget. Or too much time has passed and the moment is gone.

We all get pulled in so many directions that we often miss opportunities to let others know what their actions mean to us. Don’t let the opportunity go by; take 15 or 30 seconds to say something right away so you don’t lose the opportunity to WOW them.

In fact, the WOW is even bigger the busier you are because they know how much it took for you to take time away from your focus on your own activities and focus on them, even just for a short while.


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for giving immediate and unexpected recognition and praise.


Posted in Communication, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #5: A WOWplace is Rewarding | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #15: Do Something Unexpected for a Co-Worker or Group Member

Tip #15: Do Something Unexpected for a Co-Worker or Group Member

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Pay attention to what they need or are going through – and do something as a group.

Get your company, organization, church or other group together for special projects.

Do something completely unexpected for a group member. For example, there’s an organization that has a member who had been in a horrendous accident at age 15 and lost her leg. She went without a leg for years, until at age 27 she attended their conference. When one attendee heard her plight, including the fact that it was difficult for her to keep up with her small child due to having only one leg, the attendee got the group together, created an online fundraiser, raised $60,000 and enabled her to receive a prosthetic leg!

Also, when one of my Toastmasters group members’ daughter went missing, the group called, e-mailed, sent a group-signed card, made a video e-mail and sent it to her. When her daughter was found, at least 12 of us attended the funeral. Then some of us took her to lunch. She said she felt so loved and cared for by her “Toastmasters family” and couldn’t thank us enough for our constant shows of caring.


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for doing unexpected things to help or comfort others.


Posted in Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun!, Rule #5: A WOWplace is Rewarding | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #14: Don’t Get Mad… Get Glad!

Tip #14: Don’t Get Mad… Get Glad!

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Respond to a frustrating or disappointing event with humor, rather than anger.

Make it a habit to respond with humor.

People will be shocked that you can find humor in many situations, rather than getting upset or berating them. It eases tension and allows everyone to be “human” rather than trying to be “perfect.”

If you continue to train yourself to respond this way, it will become a habit and people will find it easier to be “human” around you because they know you won’t just blow up any time anything goes wrong.

I believe that’s one of the reasons why my hubby Bruce and I have recently celebrated our 33rd anniversary… we laugh about almost everything! In fact, there are times when I’ll have to say to him, “Would you please be serious for just one minute?”

But I’d rather have it that way than having to ask him, “Would you please lighten up?”


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for using humor to ease tension and diffuse difficult situations.


Posted in Humor Eases All!, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #13: Give Someone a Surprise Gift (Part II)

Tip #13: Give Someone a Surprise Gift (Part II)

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Give them something they would buy for themselves.

Pay for a mundane item or one of their regular bills.

By giving them something they would actually buy for themselves, it frees them up to spend that money on something “frivolous” they’d like to do once but may not have been able to justify doing otherwise.

Imagine having a surprise $100, $200 or more to spend on something you normally wouldn’t give yourself permission to do… WOW!


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for giving someone a gift they would buy for themselves and freeing up that money for something fun!


Posted in Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun!, Rule #5: A WOWplace is Rewarding | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment