50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #12: Give Someone a Surprise Gift (Part I)

Tip #12: Give Someone a Surprise Gift (Part I)

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer serivce

Give them something they wouldn’t buy for themselves.

Find out what someone would really want – and give it to them.

If you want to be sure they use it for the intended purpose, give a gift certificate or gift card for that item.

Just be sure they’d really like to have or do that particular thing and will do it… and are not just saying it would be “nice” but don’t really want it for themselves.

Lots of people talk a good game, but would never really do it, even if it’s given to them, so be sure they’ll really use it before you try to WOW them with that gift!


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for WOWing someone with a gift they would never dream of buying for themselves, but would love to do if given by someone else.


Posted in Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #4: A WOWplace is Innovative, Creative & Fun!, Rule #5: A WOWplace is Rewarding | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #11: Go First!

Tip #11: Go First!

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Call someone who’s waiting for an answer from you before they call to ask you about it.

Even if you don’t know the answer yet, you can call to at least let them know you haven’t forgotten about them.

How often are we promised calls by people who never keep that promise? Create a WOW by calling someone who expects a call from you, even if you have to say, “I have nothing new to tell you, except one thing: I haven’t forgotten about you!”

After all, you may know you’re still working on the problem but just don’t have an answer yet, but do they know? To them you probably look like everyone else who has ever promised a return call, only to break that promise and never call back.

Make sure you never let them think you’re just like all those other people. Show them how different (how WOW) you really are by staying in touch and not letting them fret, worry and wonder what’s going on.


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for going first in your job.


Posted in Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #10: Call Someone “Out of the Blue”

Tip #10: Call Someone “Out of the Blue”

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Call someone you haven’t talked to in a long time… just to tell them you’re thinking of them or that you miss them.

It can make all the difference in the world to call someone when you haven’t spoken to them in a long time.

Let them know you’re thinking of them. This shows that you not only thought of them, but also cared enough to do something about it.

If you’re part of an organization’s Club or Chapter and haven’t seen someone in a while because they haven’t been coming to meetings, this is a very powerful membership-building tip. Letting them know that someone at least misses them when they’re not there can encourage them to join, come back, or keep coming. If it appears that no one even notices when they don’t attend, it can give them the impression that their presence isn’t important to anyone in the group – so why should they come?



Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for calling people to catch up with them, let them know they’re missed and encourage them to continue coming, joining or attending more often.


Posted in Communication, Fun Life Observations/Motivation, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid!, Rule #5: A WOWplace is Rewarding | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #9: Create a “Shareable” Joke

Tip #9: Create a “shareable” joke

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Poke fun at something in your workplace that allows you to have a laugh with customers.

Have fun with the things you provide for your clients. If there’s a possibility of something being uncomfortable, find a way to make it humorous instead.

At my eye doctor’s office, I had to have my eyes dilated for a test. Both the receptionist and the doctor said, “For our favorite clients, we always like to give a fantastic, high-level gift to thank them for coming, especially when they have to have this test.” They said (completely straight-faced) it would be very high fashion eyewear.

When I got the gift, it was a pair of flimsy plastic disposable sunglasses to protect my eyes when I went outside after my appointment. It was hilarious! And they got the biggest kick from seeing my face when I saw what the real “high-fashion” eyewear consisted of!

They WOWed me with their ability to laugh at their own need to get cheap supplies to protect their patients’ eyes. They didn’t apologize or get uncomfortable; in fact, I loved it even more because I appreciate their business savvy in keeping their costs down, as well as their sense of humor and their ability to laugh about the situation.


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for refraining from excessive criticism – or even coaching – when something doesn’t need to be said.



Posted in Communication, Fun Life Observations/Motivation, Fun Work Observations, Humor Eases All!, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #8: And Get Yourself Free!

Tip #8: And Get Yourself Free!

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Volunteer to help someone for free; arrange opportunities for others to do so, as well.

It doesn’t matter if you help someone you know, or a total stranger.

Perform a volunteer project either individually or through a charitable organization in your area. Inspire others to do the same by offering to arrange an opportunity for them to participate, as well (sometimes people want to volunteer, but don’t know how to do it).

I once saw an episode of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” (the show where a family in desperate need is chosen to receive a house that’s completely built through donations of goods and volunteers’ time). In this particular episode, a construction company owner asked his entire organization to come out and help build the house on one weekend for free. That’s right – in order to participate, they had to give up an entire weekend to work without pay.

At the end, these big burly construction workers came to the owner, choked up, and thanked him for giving them the opportunity to participate in something so meaningful.


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for volunteering to help others, and for getting your entire organization involved in that effort.


Posted in Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid! | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #7: Just Drop Off the Key, Lee

Tip #7: Just Drop Off the Key, Lee

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Give someone a nice weekend away at a great resort.

Every once in a while we all need a short break away from everything… just for a day or two. It’s even more special if it’s on someone else’s dime!

A couple of days at a hotel, resort, cabin in the woods, or any other getaway location is a welcome retreat that can really help someone get rejuvenated and revitalized.

Find out what kind of getaway they’d like, and arrange for them to enjoy a couple of days at their favorite “oasis.”


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for giving someone a much-needed and relaxing break from the norm.


Posted in Fun Life Observations/Motivation, Fun Work Observations, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #5: A WOWplace is Rewarding | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #6: You Don’t Need to Discuss Much

Tip #6: You Don’t Need to Discuss Much

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Hold back a biting comment or excessive criticism.

If it doesn’t need to be said, refrain from saying anything else to make it worse.

If someone has made a mistake, they are probably beating themselves up pretty well for whatever they did wrong. They don’t need someone else making it worse by harping on it too long.

So, occasionally bite your tongue if something really doesn’t need to be said.


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for refraining from excessive criticism – or even coaching – when something doesn’t need to be said.


Posted in Communication, Customer Service, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #3: A WOWplace is Human... Not Humanoid! | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #5: Just Hop on the Bus, Gus

Tip #5: Just Hop on the Bus, Gus

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Pay for someone’s transportation to and from work for a month. Include parking & tolls!

What a nice surprise to give someone who has to incur this cost every month, just to get to their job.

You can buy tickets or passes for someone who has to take a bus, train or other form of public transportation to work. Even if they have monthly or annual passes, you can give them the equivalent of whatever timeframe you wish to cover… 30 days, 90 days, or even an entire year!

But, here’s the bigger WOW: be sure to include parking and tolls to complete the gift. By taking care of all their transportation needs for that time period, you alleviate their need to think about any of it!


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for helping others out with their logistical costs and challenges related to work.


Posted in Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #5: A WOWplace is Rewarding | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #4: Just Listen to Me

Tip #4: Just Listen to Me!

50 Ways to WOW, creating wow leadership and service experiences

Offer to train, coach or mentor someone.

You have a lot of expertise that you probably take for granted. Figure out what you’re great at and offer to help someone else in that area.

Others can benefit greatly from your knowledge and experience if you’ll share it with them.

Figure out what you’re great at and offer to help someone else in that area. Sometimes it’s your knowledge or a skill – and sometimes it’s just by being a good listener and being willing to help.

When I mentored an at-risk high school student and wondered what I had to offer her, the program director told me something I’ll never forget. She said, “You can help her, even if it’s just to listen to her and give her your undivided attention for 30-60 minutes a week – because most of these kids don’t even get that from any adult in their lives.”

Well, I could do that! So, I became a mentor, and it’s been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. My mentee is now in the U.S. military, just got married, and is setting the stage for a very successful life.

You can do something to help change someone’s life, too.


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for training, coaching or mentoring others.


Posted in Communication, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #2: A WOWplace is Respectful | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #3: You Don’t Need to be Coy, Roy

Tip #3 is: You Don’t Need to be Coy, Roy!

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and service

Share someone’s accomplishments with their loved ones and let them participate in the kudos.

Most of us have families that don’t really know what we do or how good we are at our job. What a great gift it would be to let someone’s family in on how great they are at work!

My friend and colleague, Dave Timmons, shared the following WOW with me that he created, thanks to a tip from one of his mentors.

When one of his direct-reports did a great job, he bought a greeting card and gift card for her. But instead of giving them to her himself, he mailed them home to her husband and children with a note inside, telling them what an awesome employee she was. He also explained that their organization wouldn’t be as successful as they were if she weren’t part of their team. He asked them to thank her, on his behalf, for being such a great person!

What a fantastic way to make someone else feel even better about themselves… by allowing those closest to them to also express their pride.


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for helping others’ loved ones participate in the kudos you offer to your team members.


Posted in Communication, Leadership/Employee Engagement, Podcast: 50 Ways to WOW Your Others, Rule #5: A WOWplace is Rewarding | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment