About Sandy

Sandy Geroux has learned much of what she knows about respect, humanity and leadership through working in the corporate environment for over 20 years, and then owning her own business and working with many different clients for over 19 more. She has been a student of these topics throughout her careers and has always strived to create WOW experiences for everyone around her. She now put her skills and knowledge to good use as a keynote speaker, trainer and author on these topics to help others do the same.

Sandy delivers motivational keynotes and training programs that help attendees re-kindle employee engagement and deliver exceptional (WOW!”) customer experiences by Turning Your Workplace Into a WOWplace®!  Her programs focus on creating WOW experiences for customers and employees alike through not only the exciting side of the WOW (innovative products and services), but also the “business” side of the WOW that’s often forgotten or overlooked – where the nuances of service, respect, compassion, and creativity come into play every day in small ways that add up to exceptional experiences for everyone involved.

A former Business Systems Consultant and award-winning salesperson and business owner, Sandy has delivered individual and group training programs and initiatives, as well as Train-the-Trainer sessions, and sales and performance coaching sessions. In addition, she provides executive speech-writing and speech coaching services for Executive Teams who wish to develop and deliver coordinated, impactful, and polished presentations for their conventions, meetings, and retreats.

Several of Sandy’s major accomplishments include:

  • Working with all levels of executive management, programmers and system users to design, develop, test and conduct corporate-wide training and Train-the-Trainer programs for a national women’s clothing catalog;
  • Conducting customer service training initiatives that led to one client organization reaching never-before-attained customer service award goals, such as 4 consecutive quarters of #1 ratings nationwide, and the organization being invited to customer conferences to share their exceptional customer service practices;
  • Coaching real estate professionals who subsequently increased their performance by as much as 300% and more as a result of her coaching;
  • Engaging audiences in interactive presentations, facilitated brainstorming sessions, and educational and inspiring programs that inspire attendees to reach higher and change their organizations and their lives for the better.

Sandy is also a singer, and has performed in numerous musical and dramatic stage productions, as well as sung the National Anthem at various sports venues, including Daytona International Speedway. She often includes humorous custom song parodies and inspiring songs in her programs for added impact and connection with her audiences.

Sandy combines real-life entrepreneurial, entertainment, training and speaking experience and knowledge that make her uniquely qualified to not only inspire diverse audiences to achieve the success they desire, but give them practical ideas, tips and tools to help individuals succeed with their personal dreams while helping their organizations accomplish their top- and bottom-line objectives.

Another plus is Sandy’s dynamic speaking style, which has been described by her audiences as enthusiastic, energetic and extremely motivating!

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