Motivating an UN-motivated YOU!

Sometimes we all get de-motivated, don’t we? We try to do something nice to create “WOW’s” for ourselves and those around us, but sometimes it feels as though everyone and everything is against us. What happens inside when things go wrong, something doesn’t go our way, or an opportunity we were SURE we were going to get somehow passes us by?

Our tendency is to “pull in” and withdraw, isn’t it? We don’t want anything to do with anyone or anything… we just want to be alone.. That’s human nature.

Fight that urge! Human nature does not serve you well in these instances because there is no way you can motivate or re-motivate yourself to do anything new if the only person you’re spending time with is an UN-motivated YOU!

Stop the downward spiral by focusing on the goal(s) you want to accomplish, rather than the short-term failure or challenge you’ve just encountered… then drag yourself up off the floor and into action by quickly changing your mood:

  • Call a favorite friend who can help build you up and remind you of how valued and appreciated you are.
  • Hang out with someone who inspires you because of their great spirit!
  • Find a way to laugh! Go to a comedy club or show, a funny movie or play… or go to YouTube; there is some pretty darn funny stuff there, available FREE! (In fact, type in “Funny TV Bloopers” and watch what comes up!)
  • Watch inspiring videos. There are tons of them out there, such as the one entitled “People Are Awesome!” Not only is the music inspiring, but the feats these people accomplish are incredible! Don’t be tempted to get DE-motivated because you don’t (or can’t) do the same things they are doing… instead, CHOOSE to be inspired and motivated by the flexibility, strength and awe of the human spirit and our capabilities.

While there are times when we must “pull in” for a short while to recover from major trauma, be sure to get out of the house (or at least invite people in again very soon), so the cycle of isolation doesn’t get too long.

Happiness is a choice… so is success.  Actually, they’re a constant string of choices that occur every minute of every day. So, begin developing the habit of choosing to be happy, choosing to be successful, choosing to be “WOW!” in your daily life at work and at home.

Making conscious choices to do so every day will help you become so.

[What do you do to get yourself “out of the dumps”?  I’d love to hear your great ideas!]

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