I Don’t Want To Be A Squeaky Wheel!

squeaky wheel

Don't Make Me a Squeaky Wheel!

I recently overheard a gentleman on an airplane reminding a colleague to call someone again, finishing his conversation with, “You know… the squeaky wheel and all.”

We’ve all heard the saying, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease,” (also known as, “the person who complains the loudest and longest is the one who will be taken care of the soonest!”)

It may be true that “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” – but, what if I don’t want to be a squeaky wheel?!  Think about it: how many of us dreamed of being a squeaky wheel when we grew up?  And how many of us really enjoy being one?  Do you?  Do you ever enjoy having to keep yet another item on your To Do List because someone else refuses to get it off theirs (by getting it “To Done!”)?

One way of turning our workplace into a WOWplace is to refuse to force others into being squeaky wheels.  We do this by keeping our promises.  A huge WOW can be created simply by doing what we promise… when we promise it.

If you have promised something to another person or organization, do everything in your power to give it to them when promised… before they have to ask for it multiple times.  And if you can’t provide it when promised, call the person anyway, and let them know.  Otherwise, they’ll feel the need to “squeak” because that’s what we’ve all been trained to do.

Many people have lost confidence that anyone will keep their promises any more. Prove them wrong! Oil that wheel and prevent it from feeling the need to squeak in order to get anywhere.

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5 Responses to I Don’t Want To Be A Squeaky Wheel!

  1. Jasmin Coleman says:

    This is so very true, especially your statement that “many people have lost confidence that anyone will keep their promises any more.”

  2. Peter Crosa says:

    From “to do” to “done,” that is the question. Well said. Thanks.

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