50 Ways to WOW Your Others – Tip #25: Do the “Impossible”

Tip #25: Do the “impossible”

50 Ways to WOW, creating WOW leadership and customer service

Do something everyone said couldn’t be done.

Learning the difference between difficult and truly impossible, then doing the difficult, creates big WOWs!

Obviously we can’t do the literally impossible. But what people say is impossible, is often really not.

My husband and I have brought our cars to Universal Auto Body in Orlando on a couple of different occasions. This place is incredible! Clean, neat, beautiful lobby… but the biggest surprise was when we commented on its cleanliness and beauty in the customer areas and were offered a tour of the body shop.

This did not sound like a glamorous tour, but we didn’t want to hurt the receptionist’s feelings, so we agreed. It was a huge WOW! The floors were gleaming clean: no dust, dirt, grease, smells. It was nothing like any body shop we had ever seen in the past!

Before we went there, we’d have thought this was impossible. But the owners of that shop apparently disagreed, reminding us of this critical mindset:

The “impossible” is only impossible until someone comes along and says that it isn’t!


Remember, you can also:

Please leave your tips and suggestions for doing something everyone else thought was “impossible” at one time.


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